Benefits for Humanity: Space is Our Business

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For 15 years, the International Space Station has been human spaceflight’s preeminent destination, with crew members conducting science from around the globe and opening doors to new prospects.

The 2005 NASA Authorization Act designated the U.S segment of the ISS as a national laboratory, giving an open invitation to researchers to utilize the unique environment for their work. Since that time, entirely novel businesses have been created and a new economy is growing 250 miles above the surface of our planet. With a new generation of U.S. commercial spacecraft and rockets supplying cargo, and soon astronauts, to the space station, and a wide range of industries already getting tangible benefits from space-based research, human kind’s ventures into outer space are full of opportunity.

This is yet another way the orbiting laboratory is enabling research Off the Earth, For the Earth.


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1st and thanks for all your hard work NASA


Where can i find some examples of what has improved from in space compared to earth.


yes its never too late. slow but steady. patience will benifit. we should try at least. and we call it the space biz !


We try to see it our future, only time will tell if we are right. There's a chance


So, I think researching the effects of micro-gravity on the human body, and the new research of growing plants in space are two really great pieces of work being done up there... because if we're ever going to be a space exploring species, we will definitely need as much knowledge in both of those fields as possible.

But what else are they researching? They repeated the same couple phrases in different words a few dozen times, "huge opportunities for research!", "this research just can't be done anywhere else!", "these opportunities have never existed before"... WHAT RESEARCH!? WHAT OPPORTUNITIES!? What are you doing that is SUCH a benefit to us? What are you doing that will help us explore more space?

Any experimental plant hybrids that might grow really well is space, so we can feed our future martians? Any recommendations for which plants give the best balance of edible foods and breathable air for sustaining spaceflight? How about which plants are hardy enough to survive with the minuscule sunlight available on the martian surface? Microgravity, how about testing whether strength-training can slow down or stop the degenerative process? what about testing the age-old sci-fi trope of a spinning station providing artificial gravity through centripetal force, to see if it's really that simple, or if that would only be a temporary measure?

Come on!!! What have you been doing up there that could possibly be a better use of time and funding than answering questions like these!?


hello, I would like and know how concrete behaves in microgravity as if of its molecular alignment and what kinds of changes occur in the resistance ... thanks
