My Shampoo Caught Fire And Gave Me 55% Burns | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

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Aleema Ali, from Bradford, England, was involved in a horrific accident at only 12 years old where she suffered 3rd degree burns to 55% of her body. That day, Aleema walked past the cooker in her kitchen at home and her hair shampoo caught fire, engulfing her in flames. She told Truly: "I just heard my mum screaming, saw my reflection in the window and I could see I was on fire." Aleema suffered extensive injuries all over her body which left her in a coma. "I just thought I was going to die, which is why I didn't attempt to save myself". Aleema was given only a 10% chance of survival by doctors but she defied the odds and made a full recovery. But Aleema's life had changed for good. She said: "The first time I went out after my injuries, everybody was staring at me." Over time, and with a lot of support from her family, Aleema rebuilt her confidence and began making make-up tutorials on TikTok which blew up and pulled in over 17 million views! "People just kept asking me to do more videos like that, just showing people that something like this doesn't have to stop your life. You can do the same things everyone else does, if not more."Aleema is now looking forward and grabbing every opportunity life throws at her. She added: "Without my burns, I probably wouldn't have started social media, I wouldn't have the level of confidence I do now and I probably wouldn't have achieved what I have so far. I try to look at it in a positive light and in some ways I'm sort of glad it happened".

Follow Aleema here:

Videographer: Scott Dulson
Producers: Adam Fleet
Editor: Tani McDowell

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She's just 17, how mature she is


I can’t believe someone said “you should of died in that fire” that’s so evil!!
Life is beautiful and she survived that horrible accident....yes her looks have changed but she is still beautiful.


people who have been through such horrific events and come out on the other side and still they have such an amazing positive point of view and they want to help others to stay positive and be confident in themselves I don’t think they even realize that magnitude of how much they actually are able to help other people... I’m just a normal average person, I mean yeah I’ve had my own struggles and have had a heroin addiction and pill addiction but have been sober since 2009 but otherwise I’m just ordinary but stories like these hit me so hard and make me so hopeful


Just thinking about how much it hurts when I bump a hot pan quickly with the back of my hand and imagining that pain all over my entire body is horrific. I could not imagine the pain burn victims go through. She is so strong and is a true survivor.


I can believe people can be so ignorant, what happen to her can happen to anyone she is so strong


Here she is having all this self love and confidence when I can’t get over my face scars, small butt, back fat, and shoulder stretch marks… I’m jealous of her confidence.


My brother died after a car crash which resulted in him having 98% burns to his face and body. I'm in awe of you. You're courage is unmatched and you're still absolutely gorgeous. I will definitely be subscribing to your channel. Keep doing your thing lovely lady, you're inspirational xxx


Such a remarkable young women! I can't even put into words how much I admire her! Keep doing what your doing, your the kind of genuine role model the world needs 💛💛💛


You are beautiful. Your soul is beautiful. And this is what Tik Tok was supposed to do. INFLUENCE in a good and inspiring way.


She has such beautiful eyes and an even more beautiful personality.


As a burn survivor myself (not nearly as bad) I feel for her. I had a electric pressure cooker explode on me and I had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my left hand, arm and breast. I was burned through my pajamas. I had to have the burns surgically debrided three times and they took over a year to heal. Burns change you not only physically but mentally. I have severe PTSD now. Any loud popping noise sends me into a panic because that was what that pressure cooker sounded like when it exploded. It was so fast, almost like a bullet! It popped right up into the cabinet and then across the kitchen. I was lucky it didn't hit me in the face or hit my son who was standing right behind me. This happened in 2016 and I'm still dealing with the aftermath.


Her face and body tell a story. There’s beauty in it.


She has more confidence than those who haven’t been burned I’m too shy to go on tiktok


I hope society can improve upon the way we treat people. I can’t even begin to imagine how someone can tell her she should have died. How messed up do you have to be? Most people can’t bounce back from such a traumatic experience like she did. What an amazing young woman.


She is a lovely girl. People can be so cruel because they are insecure about themselves or just mean. Those people won't get far in life but this girl will.


She's beyond brave❤️. Honestly one of the most inspiring people out there.


I really think there should be a warning that the lice shampoo can catch fire...


... "you should have died"... What kind of awful un human creatures would say such things??!!!
That's I don't even can find the right words for

I wish I had her confidence!


This story reminds me of a friend who had 3rd degree burns on his face after he was hit by a drunk driver. He also lost fingers on each hand. People in high school called him "crispy". How he remained a positive, sunny person after everything shows you happiness isn't a certain set of conditions, it's a certain set of attitudes. I appreciate this brave woman telling her story.


You ROCK girl! 💖
I'm sorry that there are such cruel people in the world.
