Examining Rising Deaths: Who's Really Responsible? | The Way I Heard It

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Mike Rowe and Gavin de Becker delve into the realities of excess mortality in America on this episode of The Way I Heard It. They explore critical issues surrounding unexpected deaths and examine the factors contributing to this concerning trend.

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"If you don't read the newspapers, you are uninformed, if you do, you are misinformed." Mark Twain


I am a physician and was the only uninoculated doc in our hospital.
I was absolutely pilloried by my attending and the clinic public health crew... ended up not getting my contract renewed and having to find another job elsewhere (where my boss was like-minded).
I am so grateful to see this information bubbling out of the cracks! Thank you, Mr. Rowe.


I want to know what kills a healthy 23 year old young man, one Saturday morning he gets out of bed walks to the toilet across the hall from his bedroom, return a moment later and walk into his bedroom and fell over dead. Never drank, never took drugs, never kissed a girl all he ever did is work to make his life better, graduated UNI Queensland with Class ONE Honors with a Degree in Electrical Engineering. Had a great life in front of him. I am his father and every day we would hug at least once. Had taken a job a year ago and every 90 days got a very good raise.
I did 25 minutes of CPR while ambo arrived and in his bedroom they did 3 rounds of electro shock and adrenaline to no avail. When pressed the Coroner could not give an answer, Death Certificate says "Cause Unknown". Really?? or just don't want to say because he had to take the COVID shot to attend school....
Because of this my son died in my arms.


My dad said in 84 I was 12 ..never trust the govt, hospitals, drs, , take care of yourself..I'm 53 and no pills all natural plants, ya can do it ❤❤❤❤❤


My husband almost gave in, but I said I'd rather be homeless and have an unemployed husband, than to be a widow


The greatest crime in history and no one has gone to jail


Why is nobody talking about book called The 21 Former Doctor Secrets Rachel Morgan, Its been life-changing for me since I read it


When government demands anything I am immediately skeptical and when being forced I rebel with all my strength


As a Nurse for 25 yes, I've never seen so many young people dying...it's criminal...


The Google Covid disclaimer is a badge that means the video is “must watch”. Thanks Feds! And FKH!


Just spent a week in the hospital with my 29 year old son. His 3rd ER visit since he had the shots to be a nurse. I hired a lawyer so my other son didn’t take it. Thank you to all speaking up.


One mouse said to the other mouse, have you taken the vaccine? The other mouse replied with "not yet, they are still testing it on the humans ".


Healthcare worker here. Young people are still dying and many others are getting cancer and when it’s found it’s already too late for any kind of treatment. All of this began shortly after the vaccine rollout.


Hi Tom and family,
I wanted to share a story of something that happened at work today. I work as a nursing aid at our local hospital. I was gifted a coffee mug with scriptures on it a few months ago. I brought it to work today. I have a coworker who is from Iran. Super Sweet girl. She told me today she loved my mug. I was abit surprised and just said ty it was a gift. A little while later I went up to her and asked if she knew Jesus. She said yes yes! I who fully expected to witness said oh well wonderful! We both had our mugs I said well cheers to that!
It made me smile as our first conversation ever was her telling me about Iran and having to wear the head dress. It goes to show how even with war and all the darkness. Jesus comes through! Hallelujah and Marantha


True Blood here. I tried to warn everyone, but i was a crazy conspiracy guy, lost many friends over this topic, but i tried. This will haunt people for life.


I am a Licensed funeral director and the death rate is definitely up on people under 60 years old


I never dreamed i would see the country in the shape it is in. I trust nothing anymore.


My wife who was my sweetheart, soulmate, the love of my life passed away in my arms at the hospital this last April. She was only 35yrs old. She had great health, fit, unvaxxed, you name it..Out of nowhere she started feeling ill. She didn’t want to go to doctors for it & 3 months later died from what we believe was pancreatic cancer unknowing she had it. her pancreas had swollen and had an internal bleeding they could not stop. I break down every single day.. she loved God so much and always gave him glory. Losing her has brought me even closer to God and I hope I will see her on the other side.. and pick up where we left off.. I miss you Jess 😢


I refused the jab and even when losing my job, I didn't care because I knew it was bad.
Me and my wife studied everything we could find in three languages and printed hundreds of different studies and reports.
We are still here while many friends, neighbors and colleges aren't here anymore.
But we will never forget the pressure they put us through, no flights, no trains, no restaurants and it was very close to stop us from entering the supermarkets as well, so no we don't forget.


I came a breath away from losing my job over not getting it. My husband and kids never got it either. I'm so glad I followed my intuition and stood up for myself. I also argued with my doctor over never getting flu shots or HPV vaccines for my kids. I came with facts and they didn't like it at all!! Once you know the truth you can't ignore it.
