ACE-Aware Nation Conference – The science of ACEs is fundamentally hopeful - Dr Nadine Burke Harris

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A Scottish grassroots movement has set itself the goal of Making Scotland the World’s First ACE-Aware Nation. That was the title of a 2-day event held in Glasgow on 25th & 26th September 2018, attended by 2500 people from across the UK and beyond. Hosted by two independent organisations – TIGERS and connected baby – the event brought together some of the leading speakers in Scotland, with the aim of explaining why a focus on relationships is central to preventing and healing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

The speakers’ collective voice was strengthened by the contribution of global ACEs campaigner, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco, USA. In this video, we hear the keynote speech she delivered at the conference. Her presentation explored not only the science of toxic stress, but also ways in which organisations have been putting that science to work creating healing and prevention.

It was an honour to have Dr. Burke Harris as the invited keynote speaker at the Conference. She argues that ACEs are widespread in our population and that every single person deserves to have this information of human biology, in order to help improve the quality of their life. That encouragement reinforces the vision of Scotland being an ACE-Aware Nation. As Dr. Burke Harris says, that is a fundamentally hopeful vision.

Music by Erin Scott - new website
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"making Scotland the World's First ACE-Aware Nation" - that's enough to bring tears to my eyes. What a wonderful movement Scotland. Thank you for leading the way toward a more humane world.


Beautiful lecture... thank you for answering your call Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris


I am at 4+ aces and what you speak of is 100% accurate!


Ah man. When doctor said what happens when that bear comes home every night.. gave me chills. Beautiful lecture.


Scotland the Brave! This takes courage, patience and compassion. I wish you all that's good, Scotland, and I'm about to endeavour to contact your equivalent south of the border. p.s. Big Pharma won't like the success of this movement, so good luck getting the prescription-pushing GPs aboard.


Daktari, what can we do for Kenya to be the second ACEs aware nation? What is happening right now is what Dr Freud said that trauma takes cover in the mind and resurface in later years in quite ugly ways. These Gen Zs have really had it under an education system that abets and commend criminal caning of children right from ECDE centres . They've had nothing to lose whatever!! They burned schools seeking to be heard but this worsened and has been smoldering in the quiet of of helplessness. Consider a program for recovery to save the nation.


Councelling is a business, too; never forget that.
It costs money to be trained as a Counsellor, and recouping this investment probably dictates why the fees are high.


Shout out to my intro to psych peeps out there!


How do organizations & institutions e.g. medical facilities positively affect 30+ million children negatively impacted by adverse childhood experiences in the U.S.???


Is there a link to the video at the end????


Ever see the study the guy did on RATS and why people take drugs or don't drugs? Rats that lived in cages with nothing to do - were given two different types of water to drink - one that was normal water and one was water laced with heroin. And guess which one they took? Yep, the water with heroin. Next they gave rats an environment with lots of toys, and other rats to play with and mate with and when they offered these rats the water with heroin and the normal water -- which one did they take? The normal water. And don't forget POOR CULTURE rather white or black it is AWFUL.


I wander wjy this is not availeble to ordinary ppl?? Why do you have to be rich??!! I dont have money to pay for thst kind of terapy. 150 dollar per hour privatly. Its an outrage and a slap in the face😡thats in norway
