The World Reimagined with Modern Art Oxford Globe - Citizen of the Universe

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This globe, created in MAO’s Creative Space, took inspiration from both The World Reimagined’s resources and Ruth Asawa’s exhibition at the gallery. Like a traditional map, the globe represents continents in vibrant green and the ocean in deep blue. Throughout the day, young artists contributed to painting the oceans and landmasses, leaving their mark on specific places around the world that are meaningful to them. Also considering where they have been or want to visit, artists created a multitude of flags from different countries. A bold black background with shooting stars gives a nod to Ruth Asawa’s exhibition title, Citizen of the Universe, which is also recreated on our globe. Wooden figurines at the top of the globe represent the artists themselves, each a “citizen of the universe,” and each one painted with a unique and intricate style.

Film produced by Mills Brown and project participants.
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