Add arguments easily with argparse

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sure! `argparse` is a python module that makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. it allows you to define the arguments that your script can accept and automatically handles parsing and validation of those arguments.

here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to add arguments easily with `argparse`:

1. import the `argparse` module:

2. create an `argumentparser` object:

3. define the arguments that your script can accept using the `add_argument` method:

4. parse the arguments provided by the user:

5. access the values of the arguments using the `args` object:

here's a complete example script that demonstrates adding arguments with `argparse`:

to run the script with arguments, you can execute it from the command line like this:

this will output:

i hope this tutorial helps you understand how to easily add arguments using `argparse` in python!


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