Testosterone Replacement Is the Secret Ingredient to Reverse Aging
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There is an increase in medical news and research articles that talk about what aging Americans can do to delay the symptoms and diseases of aging. Some of the articles note lifestyle changes and exercise and or supplements that can combat aging…..but these changes alone are NOT the answer! There is another group of news articles that state the problem that aging, and they leave the reader with the feeling that nothing can be done to prevent these symptoms and diseases. The call “aging” an untreatable part of life, therefore when these symptoms hit doctors tell their patients, “That’s just aging! Learn to live with it!” They rarely note the hormonal changes that are KEY to preventing the changes and diseases of aging: replacing testosterone for both men and women in a bio-identical non-oral form and replacing estradiol for women! In reality all the lifestyle changes alone will not work to reverse aging….it is a multi-pronged approach that brings aging men and women back to health: Hormone replacement first, diet and exercise optimization and supplementation of necessary nutrients.
After treating several thousands of aging men and women over the last 40 years I can state confidently that the one key factor in staying healthy, mobile, and able to think, is the replacement of testosterone with T pellets.
The medical community shies away from stating that testosterone is key to both men and women at any age. Why is that? I think it is because young men who treat themselves with illegal adrenal androgens that are bought on the internet have mistakenly equated these androgen products with the pure testosterone men make in their testes and women make in their ovaries. They are not the same and should be discussed specifically so they are not confused! Medicine also has not accepted testosterone as a female sex hormone! That is just an extension of the male-managed medical care in the US. Lastly the US government see older Americans as dead-weight to the society and they don’t want to make us live longer past when we are useful! Many decisions have been made by our representatives and senators in Washington who have no idea about medicine and aren’t educated that Men and women would cost Medicare less money, not more because they would be healthier for a longer period of time. For example, Medicare warns patients not to take their thyroid medicine after they are 65! What happens when they stop taking thyroid medicine? Patients die!
Many titles of current research articles talk the dangers of aging and then tell us we can’t do anything about it! When a written or spoken article coming from the medical community states that the symptoms that women’s experience after age 40 is called “perimenopause” they Miss-label the period of a woman’s life between 40 and 50 with a word that means “around menopause”, when in reality all of those symptoms occur because of testosterone deficiency, not estrogen deficiency! The word perimenopause makes doctors and patients alike think the problems of this era of life is estrogen when most of us have too much estrogen and testosterone deficiency. Just the word “perimenopause”,implies that estrogen replacement will fix them, when more estrogen will make a woman’s bleeding problems worse, not better. secret ingredient is! The secret label of our problem, “testosterone replacement”, is hidden from us which steers research and treatments away from the real problem….It is no wonder that experimental drugs to fix the symptoms of a woman’s decade after age 40 don’t work!
A word, or a label carries power with it, and when given the wrong name the disastrous outcomes are inevitable!
Because women begin to experience aging after 40, the sequence of events is important to get right so that we can replace what our ovaries stop producing in order of the natural hormone changes. The ovary stops making testosterone first, followed by progesterone deficiency plus estrogen dominance, with the last stage being the final one of loss of estradiol. If this was considered by the research community, then there would be fewer worthless studies based on replacing E2 in women between age 40-50 that of course fail, and more successful studies of testosterone deficiency, that are treated with pure testosterone, and the medical health of middle-aged women would be so much less stressful, and diseases of aging would be suppressed.
After treating several thousands of aging men and women over the last 40 years I can state confidently that the one key factor in staying healthy, mobile, and able to think, is the replacement of testosterone with T pellets.
The medical community shies away from stating that testosterone is key to both men and women at any age. Why is that? I think it is because young men who treat themselves with illegal adrenal androgens that are bought on the internet have mistakenly equated these androgen products with the pure testosterone men make in their testes and women make in their ovaries. They are not the same and should be discussed specifically so they are not confused! Medicine also has not accepted testosterone as a female sex hormone! That is just an extension of the male-managed medical care in the US. Lastly the US government see older Americans as dead-weight to the society and they don’t want to make us live longer past when we are useful! Many decisions have been made by our representatives and senators in Washington who have no idea about medicine and aren’t educated that Men and women would cost Medicare less money, not more because they would be healthier for a longer period of time. For example, Medicare warns patients not to take their thyroid medicine after they are 65! What happens when they stop taking thyroid medicine? Patients die!
Many titles of current research articles talk the dangers of aging and then tell us we can’t do anything about it! When a written or spoken article coming from the medical community states that the symptoms that women’s experience after age 40 is called “perimenopause” they Miss-label the period of a woman’s life between 40 and 50 with a word that means “around menopause”, when in reality all of those symptoms occur because of testosterone deficiency, not estrogen deficiency! The word perimenopause makes doctors and patients alike think the problems of this era of life is estrogen when most of us have too much estrogen and testosterone deficiency. Just the word “perimenopause”,implies that estrogen replacement will fix them, when more estrogen will make a woman’s bleeding problems worse, not better. secret ingredient is! The secret label of our problem, “testosterone replacement”, is hidden from us which steers research and treatments away from the real problem….It is no wonder that experimental drugs to fix the symptoms of a woman’s decade after age 40 don’t work!
A word, or a label carries power with it, and when given the wrong name the disastrous outcomes are inevitable!
Because women begin to experience aging after 40, the sequence of events is important to get right so that we can replace what our ovaries stop producing in order of the natural hormone changes. The ovary stops making testosterone first, followed by progesterone deficiency plus estrogen dominance, with the last stage being the final one of loss of estradiol. If this was considered by the research community, then there would be fewer worthless studies based on replacing E2 in women between age 40-50 that of course fail, and more successful studies of testosterone deficiency, that are treated with pure testosterone, and the medical health of middle-aged women would be so much less stressful, and diseases of aging would be suppressed.