'Why I glued my hands to the floor of the Oxford Union' | Kathleen Stock protest

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Riz Posnett explains their side of the trans debate to Jane and Fi on #timesradio

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i have listened to kathleen stock a number of times. not once have i ever heard her say something that would incur violence, she does NOT use hate speech, but considered, articulate arguments and debates. the only violence that i can see comes from the trans activists, against kathleen stock and other women who all have reasonable arguments. it is not trans people who are being targeted, but women certainly are


You do not help and protect children by giving them the freedom to make decisions they are simply too immature to make. Rather than seek closure, with potentially irrevocable actions, we should value uncertainty and the time to discover who we truly are.


Riz claims she hates attention. This claim makes me suspicious of everything else she said.


She doesn’t answer any questions. I don’t think she understands the question she’s just talking nonsense.


"Her views are really dangerous" How????
This young woman clearly has no concept of what constitutes danger.


You can tell she has had a completely sheltered, middle class existence in a leafy suburb and nothing unpleasant has ever happened to her, so that whenever she hears a contrary opinion she experiences it as a trauma.


Riz contradicts herself so many times during this interview. The one that stands out is trans people have to wait up to 10 years for treatment but it is lifesaving care for kids. If people are managing to go 10 years without treatment and not dying I think they will be just fine. Puberty is not a disease, and there is no wrong puberty and no one recreates the opposite sexes puberty from opposite sex hormones. No medication or surgery exists that can hack nature, sorry children. The adults need to come back into the room and assure these children and young adults that reality is just fine and nothing to be scared of.


It’s honestly difficult for me to wrap my head around how someone ends up so incapable of critical thinking or perspective shifting


She said a lot, but she also said nothing, because she has no idea what she is talking about, none of what she said is backed by facts. She is also a privileged young women who has never worked a day in her life. She goes on about protecting kids, but she wants to let them make life changing decisions as children to take puberty blockers (Frankenstein drugs). She is also a Gen Z, so very influenced by social media, she has never known a time without it.


At 19 years of age she knows everything . . . that is the problem with this generation of non-resilient safe-space seekers. It's tragic.


The activist talks about honest conversation and dialogue, but only after gluing a hand to the floor to stop honest conversation and dialogue……Also, the bit about protecting trans kids was really scary. Children need protecting from ideology like that. A trans person is someone who must be mature enough to decide what they are for themselves. Generally speaking, this cannot be children.


When trans people and their advocates talk of "constant harassment", they often mean "people are not blindly agreeing" with them, or following their own self-view. Interviewers really should look into these claims of "constant harassment", asking for examples, evidence, rather than allowing that to be an unquestioned narrative. There is a reason why many trans people had a high level of suicide and self harm; there are mental issues and a high degree of flawed perception involved, and previously this was widely recognised, and gender dysphoria was treated primarily through psychology and counselling. Not chemicals, surgery, and encouragement to believe something that is scientifically incorrect.


Kathleen is a beacon of hope in the midst of this madness. Riz will grow up eventually.


Big men in knickers aren't the most vulnerable people in society.


Disagreeing with trans activists is hate speech, violence. Opening up a rational debate is out of the question because any serious questioning is a “dog whistle”.

This is the dumbest public debate since creationism.


Sterilising kids is inherently wrong. They are now calling it 'gender incongruence'. Which is if kids play with the 'wrong' toys or want to wear the 'wrong' clothes, they are put on a pathway that leads to a lifetime of drugs and medical procedures, all for nothing really. This is preposterous. The medical scandal is going to be huge.


If, as this person claims it takes up to 10 years to obtain gender reassignment on the NHS why are they giving teenagers puberty blockers? Did they apply at age 5? Ridiculous, immature, naive statement. Them/they hates all the attention? Looks pretty smug to me.


Free speech being cast as "violence" or incitement is a false narrative meant to influence nervous politicians to violate their oath to uphold the God given rights they are bound to protect.


The person being interviewed is entitled to express her opinions Just as Dr. Stock is. But there are a lot of linguistic manipulations and gymnastics going on here. She is attempting to weaponize words to her advantage for maximum emotional effect. . She says Dr. Stock's views on gender are "really dangerous"..While others would contend they(Dr. Stock's views) are merely pointing out the truth, In the end Dr. Stock didn't talk about gender at all.


Trans people have a huge voice. When they disrupt a perfectly civil discussion that they disagree with, then that is just counterproductive for them. They are pretending that there aren't any problems or inconsistencies with their approach to activism. Make your case, don't try to shut down the opposition
