Commodore 128 -=SNK vs CAPCOM=- Stronger Edtition

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Author: Gianluca “RetroGL” Alberico
SNK vs CAPCOM - Stronger Edition, with 16 additional fighters add to the roster, for a total of 32 fighters to play with. Currently it's a work-in-progress, to complete the backdrops and musics to assign to the new fighters, but the AI, endings, animations, etc, are almost complete.
💗Thank you to all sympathizers of the channel - your support means a lot for me. Everybody who has supported me financially will be mentioned in the description below.
Supporters: Dariusz O., Tomasz M., Volker T., LiqMatrix, Dawid P., maciejza, Mariano D., Marcin L., Salmax, Jerzy W., Chris S.,, MoSoft, Daniel W., Joshua M., Gregor S., Paolo D., Jürgen B., Daniel W., JoshuaM, Tigerskunk, Haplo, Stefan M., Christopher S., Tan K.
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