What Would It Take to Convert Me Back to Christianity?

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I used to be a Christian, but now I’m an atheist. Here’s what it would take for me to go back.

Religion and religious identity is more than just belief in supernatural agents. It also has to do with social belonging, personal identity, ritual behavior, and belief in or acceptance of various theological ideas. I discuss all of these dimensions of faith in order to answer the question, “What would make you go from atheist to Christianity?”

Videos I mention here:

Why I Love Jesus but WON’T Follow Him

Can You Be Religious AND a Skeptic? (Live with Dr. Justin Sledge)

How Dune Gets Religious Psychology Exactly Right

Church Services Are Designed to Influence You. Here’s How

How to Make Someone Believe in God (According to Science)


Non-sectarian Biblical Studies Courses by Dr. Bart Ehrman (affiliate link):


-------------------------Resources for atheists in need-------------------------

00:00 Intro
00:51 4 Dimensions of Christian Identity
02:02 Belonging
05:29 Behavior
10:06 Faith
13:27 Belief in Christian Metaphysics

This video contains 100% therapeutic grade skepticism.*

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
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I think it would be harder to convert me to Christianity than to make me a believer in God.


I am one of those atheists that has faced death several times, Never did any god pop into my head. Also when my Dad, ( who's father was a minister) was in WW11, that is when he became an atheist. He said men would fall to their knees and beg god to save them, , , they got killed. My father didn't do that, he fought back. He became an atheist seeing that during the war.


Speaking as a Christian Who was raised in the church, reasonably well, educated in history and science and philosophy, and an above average working knowledge of scripture, I have not been able to find a church that does not immediately piss me off and 10 or 15 years. (that’s not entirely true. There was a very small, very elderly, very poor church in my town that I actually did like and went to for about a year or so, but it did not survive Covid). So I really appreciate your channel.
I like what you’re doing. You are making intellectual points, many of which I agree with, You are not being dogmatic or intolerant (as many skeptics sometimes are), you are not insulting, You clearly understand what you’re talking about, And I really think you are doing a service to both of the believing and nonbelieving communities.
So thanks for that !


I could become convinced to believe in a god or gods, but I think it unlikely that I could become a *christian* . Believing in a god does not inherently mean one would choose to worship it.


Even if it were true that there are no atheists in foxholes, I've never thought that signified very much. Extraordinary circumstances will make people want to believe extraordinary things; that proves nothing about the validity of the belief.


The weirdest realization for me was that I had constructed a much more mentally healthy version of Christianity in my head, but still didn't end up believing it.

And then I ended up being angry that I was robbed of the chance to grow up in *this* version of Christianity than the one I did. I probably would've still stopped believing at some point, but being a Christian shouldn't have been literally traumatic.


I had a friend ask me what it would take to make me a Catholic again, and I made him a list:

1. Demonstrate the supernatural

2. Demonstrate that this supernatural occurrence has/had a willful source

3. Demonstrate that this source is a God, as distinct from a demon/fey/any other magical entity

4. Demonstrate that this god is the Only one.

5. Demonstrate that this lone-god is the same one as described in your bible.

6. Demonstrate that the God of your Bible is deserving of my worship, beyond simple fear of punishment.

I have been using this list for years now, and have yet to see anyone cross the first hurdle.


What gets me is that Christians bar their doors to keep out so many people, yet freak out as soon as an atheist shares their life story about how religion hurt them.


I grew up Christian in the bible belt, and ended up having issues with the faith starting from a young age, and fell into the trap of nonbelief as mental superiority. As an adult I realized tat the majority of people I knew who believed did so not because they lacked the intelligence to question, but because of social pressure or more often a need to believe in something, anything, to give meaning to the suffering they and the world experienced. The so called "God's Plan". At which point I grew jealous of them as I could not believe as they do despite my desire for the sense of comfort the belief would bring about my place in the world and the meaning to my suffering.
The biggest issue I have with Christianity isnt even a lack of belief in a god, but that to me the god described in the bible doesnt seem to be worthy of worship.


Great video. I've been in "the church" for my entire life, and a Christian for three or so decades now. I appreciate thoughtful videos like this, laid out plainly and calmly. I wish more on the side professing Christian beliefs would put in this much effort. Videos like this help me communicate with my daughters, as well as others around me, who have different beliefs. I hate knowing I could have been nicer, kinder, more accepting of people around me for years, . Ultimately I didn't learn that in church, I learned it from a kindhearted YouTuber. So again, to put it simply, thank you.


I have a family member who is a closet atheist (and this will NEVER change). they once told me when their beliefs were abandoned and I was surprised. They said "30 years I walked into an inpatient pediatric cancer clinic and immediately knew the god of the Bible, the god of my church, couldn't exist and if he does I'd rather be in hell if what I saw was his love".


The point you made at about 5 minutes about claiming the label of skeptic but not falling into the reactionary politics that so many have is why you are one of the few atheist skeptic YouTubers I still watch regularly. Thank you for that


If I saw an amputee regrow a limb in my presence while being prayed over I would consider it


Too difficult to have faith after losing it. Can't have faith when you don't have trust anymore.


Drew I've always appreciated your content for calling out the presence of reactionaries in the skeptic community and encouraging more understanding, empathetic perspectives for both Christians and atheists.

Keep up the good work!


I am a pastor and an elder within a denomination. I have often enjoyed your videos and find that they facilitate a deepening of my faith. I am a sceptic at heart too. I question everything and in my experience I think of all religious groups Jewish and Christian expressions of faith often allow for the raising of questions and seeking answers.

I am glad you are honest. I hope you find the space and community you need.


For me it would take God demonstrating that 1. He exists 2. That he’s genuinely sorry for his followers hating women, LGBTQIA+ folks, other religions, and that hell isn’t real and 3. An explanation for how free will works if it exists along with God like christians believe since I am a determinist who actively holds free will is an illusion.


I was raised Catholic back in the 50s 60s. Pure torture! I’m glad to see so many young people who shall I say, “See the light”. Having access to information and having so many thoughtful intelligent individuals willing to share their knowledge will save humanity, I hope.


The Faith section, and general trauma or deadly events, reminded me that I could have died in February 2021. I got in a wreck (driving at night when a little sleepy), the car flipped at least once and landed in a ditch full of muddy water. The driver-side of the windshield was bashed in but I didn't have a single injury.

I don't know how the crash wasn't worse, but I didn't once believe it was divine intervention. The closest thought was about how I knew my mom would thank God for it. I was an atheist before the crash, immediately after the crash, and still to this day.


I don't like gods who play games. Make an appearance, why don't you, God? Pick up a mountain and use it like a crayon to write, "Hello, my peeps!" across the sky. Enough of this "blind faith" nonsense. How about a little personal responsibility, God? Why is it on us to prove You exist?
