Dave Hunt - The false “unity” of ECUMENISM [YT]

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In this DVD Dave Hunt addresses the issue of unity. In John 17: 21 Jesus prayed for his followers: “that they all may be one as You Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe and be convinced that You have sent Me”.
Does it mean that people from different Christian denominations, and even from different religions, must gather together to demonstrate their unity for the sake of addressing certain issues of society?
Does it mean that demonstrating that unity is of greater importance than doctrinal issues?
Allow Dave Hunt to explain to you the basis of unity, as well as the character of true unity, according to the Word of God.
Watching this DVD will help you appreciate more than ever what Jesus accomplished for you on the cross.
Рекомендации по теме

Oh wow. In 2024 his words are so much truer. Thank God he's with his Savior


One of the best presentations on the heresy of Ecumenism.


In the UK there are 10 churches in Fleet, Hampshire, a town of about 40, 000 people where we live. All are in Churches Together. So we drive about 8 miles to Tongham Christian Fellowship where we all love the truth of God's word, the Bible, and try to follow the Lord Jesus our Saviour. The 10 churches in Fleet all have excellent buildings. We have a 100 year old wooden surplus Army hut. I thank God that he has kept us humble and kept us going in this UK spiritual dessert.


I love this GODLY man, thank you LORD ❤


He spoke the truth. Grace alone by faith alone in Christ alone.


It was the most enormous blessing that came my way when browsing around a bookstore and l saw this book Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt. It was mid eighties and much confusion reigned because of this prosperity garbage that entered the Church
It was an answer to prayer and l read it..shared it with our Ladies Bible study. It was like a huge burden lifted from all our minds and hearts
Dave Hunt is missed by us.
But he is with the Lord now in glory and and unspeakable joy! How wonderful that we can through modern technology listen to this unique and gifted servant of Jesus Christ the Only God. Thankyou to Kerugma Productions 😊


How I miss and long for teaching like this . We need this truth to raise up strong believers in churches around the world and to keep us out of darkness.


Listen to this time and time again to keep focused and in truth especially when truth is being eroded. Thank you for posting.


This is beautiful, John 17 is the Lord's Prayer!


Dave hunt was a great loss to true Christian biblical preaching.


Thank the Lord for Dave Hunt's teachings. A light shining in a dark and deceptive world of pluralism and compromise, the most dangerous deception happening in the identifying church.


Thank u! Powerful stuff here and needs way more views


Thank goodness for this video ……love you ❤


I just came across this brother today. Been listening all day.


The MASS CARD reminds me of people who were afraid to leave their seat at the casino after spending a few hundred dollars, JUST IN CASE the next pull on the handle or press of a button MIGHT win the fortune so HOPED FOR!

How many masses will it take, to pray someone, from 'purgatory' , to heaven? A thousand? A million? At $20 per mass, I don't know about the deceased, but that priest will be in heaven! Financially, at least.

The 'spirit' that draws people, from Christ to sacramentalism, is *NOT* the HOLY spirit. It's A DIFFERENT spirit. (2 Cor 11:4)


I don't just love this... I love it... Thank you for sharing.


Thank you and God Bless, Dave Hunt was an excellent man of God.

Might I ask, what year was this filmed.


Its sad that billy graham got caught up in it .


Re: Islam and I tried to talk to a couple of Muslims ... No dice. As far as they were concerned, the Bible was a complete fiction. One of the Muslim men was....semi-diplomatic. When I quoted Acts 4:10-12, that Jesus is THE ONLY NAME under heaven given among men by which we MUST BE SAVED. That man said that, during that time...during Jesus' time, if he (Muslim man) had lived during that time, he would have believed in Jesus. But this (21st Century) is a different time, so he has to believe in the current prophet.

It was easier talking to JW's .


2 Corinthians 5:7-9

King James Version

7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.

Thank you Dave Hunt for teaching the true word of God
