WTF is Disney doing???

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Disney Plus has just released a new piece of Marvel artwork on the platform resulting in She Hulk being replaced by Deadpool but could this mean something deeper for She Hulks role in the MCU?

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Deadpool and she-hulk just had a fight through the fourth wall. And he won.


I watched all the episodes of She-hulk but there weren't any memorable moments apart from Daredevil appearing. What I disliked was how she compared being "catcalled" to what Bruce had to go through being chased down by the government.
Stating that she can control her anger "infinitely better than you"

From what I've heard in the comics she was more sympathetic towards Bruce but in the show, it's just nah.


I just found the ending absolutely terrible, the rest of the show wasn’t actually that bad but that ending was disastrous


dude, seriously, just pointing out that your series has abysmal writing does not excuse said writing


She-Hulk was hilarious. I had so much fun.


I enjoyed She Hulk, but I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.


I don't hate she hulk, I just don't think it was very good. It just kind of had weak writing in my opinion. I don't think it's Disney "caving to a toxic fandom", they just have more popular Ip's to put up front


I really really tried liking She-Hulk but the story just falls apart. The whole show had nothing interesting to say, except for frequently reminding us through 4th wall breaks that "this is a lawyer comedy" when in fact it wasn't really funny (although that is subjective, maybe somebody laughed) and it wasn't lawyer drama or anything (that is objective, they said it themselves). Why would you hire writers that don't know how to write courtroom scenes?

Plus the ending was just... meh. A weird uninspired copy of Loki season 1 ending (the main character steps out of their universe and talks to the god who writes the script, trying to convince them to give them a better ending).


When you write a character who claims being catcalled is worse than being hunted down by the government and others for years while being trapped trying to keep a rage monster in check and that she's so much better for controlling her anger over catcalls I think that answers very quickly why most of us hate She-Hulk.


Simple answer folks; Because the series was not good as it shares the same level compare to Secret Invasion? Not to mention it’s because Deadpool is very likable lol


In my opinion, I don't think the character should be removed from the MCU, it's more so how awful the writing and pretty much everything was show. If they did the character justice, it would be great!


the ending of the show was absolutely atrocious, the rest was pretty ok, but the disrespect towards some characters was just uncalled for. We also all know why they did certain things, or atleast the thoughts behind certain creative deciscions and it just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


I felt like the biggest problem with the show was a lack of Lawyering, which I feel like was ignored for this other scenes that people in a general audience just hated (mostly just the tinder stuff and wedding stuff felt pretty unnecessary or weaker when they could have focused more on the strain that be a Lawyer first and then a superhero would take)


The show called out the Internet trolls during its run and they didn't like that. By having one of the show's baddies be a self important dweeb who hacks her phone to put all her personal information out to the world, the writers were basically saying "Come at us Bros, prove our point". So they did.

I liked SheHulk. It was interesting adding an action/comedy to the MCU, and unlike Moon Knight and Miss Marvel, I could get through the season without becoming massively bored. But the skeevier parts of the Internet don't like having a spotlight put on them, so they review-bombed the show until it couldn't come back in any form (i.e. DeadPool 4) without inviting more online attacks.


Bro this take is pushing me to unsubscribe. Between the two Deadpool will always be the better character & wall breaker. She-hulk was unfortunantely portrayed in a bad light here often in the victim mindset blowing up small insignificant negative experiences like being cat-called. Like I'm here thinking ehh what did she say ????


I find it so funny that people complain about She-Hulk‘s story being bad, when it was a wide consensus that Deadpool & Wolverine‘s story was total crap but the movie was a complete blast nonetheless because it was never about the story. Same for She-Hulk, but people don’t wanna see this


I think if they actually had a better narrative instead of just saying nothing matters at the end or just done a simple slice of life story with the occasional fight with the big bad Titania than maybe She-Hulk might’ve been better


Im sorry but I vehemently disagree with your take on She-Hulk. It has nothing to do with “oh it wasn’t your personal taste” because I like Agatha all Along show but She-Hulk is literally the poster child for the MCU on doing things wrong and allowing message and agenda to overtake character and story. The entire argument She-Hulk has with Bruce on how she is infinitely better at controlling her anger and has a harder life than Bruce makes zero sense in context of the MCU and what has come before and is there as this is what the writers want to say but makes no sense in context. Jennifer has her family, went to college and Law school graduated both, found a job at a law firm where she gets to work with her best friend and by context of the 1st episode is doing so well she’s up for a possible promotion and she has a house she lives in and owns by herself in California. The only thing that’s not going well for her life is literally just that she has no romantic partner that’s it. Yet she says she has it harder than a dude who got blown up by radioactive bomb, turned into a monster against his will, hunted by the U.S government to other countries where he knows no one and doesn’t speak the language and in Avengers literally admits to trying to off himself from depression than in Thor loses what 2 years of his life being out of his mind while Hulk is piloting his body. He lives in a remote island that he and Tony built so Bruce has a place to chill and live but also is far away from civilization just in case something goes wrong. Also Jennifer gets the boon of being a Hulk during the time where Bruce is looked at as a hero for saving the world and being an Avenger rather than when everyone believed he was a monster that needed to be put down again thanks to Bruce. The show never frames this as Jen being entitled or wrong and tries to place her in the right when it makes zero sense.


Even if there’s a fan base for she hulk deadpool is the better character in every way and has a way bigger fan base than she hulk and out of all the characters she’s the most hated which was justified so it’s a no brainer she was removed prolly for the better


My opinion: The first She hulk episodes, I was expecting a build up. Something good should've come up at the end. Then the ending was absolutely terrible.
As to why She-hulk was cancelled: idk how true this is but She hulk was supposed to appear in Deadpool and wolverine but she was scrapped cus her show was so low grossing. Then when her actor started lashing out against marvel, marvel just fires her and cancelled the character. But like I said I'm not sure how true it is its probably just rumors
