Learn to SMURF: Exploit LOW ELO Mistakes to Hard Carry! | Skill Capped

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Learn to CRUSH LOW ELO Players By Exploiting Mistakes!

Top Guide Description:
Today we'll show you how to exploit low elo mistakes from the point of view of a challenger. This guide is designed to help you recognize the basic fundamentals that players will mess up and how you can exploit them for easy wins. Enjoy!

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"how to beat up the smallest kids on the playground".


2:08 "Try to identify why she isn't hitting the minions
*Uses superior micro to spaz out character model*


And when you proceed to try this in a game, a Zac comes flying on you all the way from Afghanistan


I was actually blown away with the amount of game knowledge presented in this video (I'm plat). Maybe creating some 1v1s between students and coaches (of SC) to see what mistakes the lower elo players are doing?


All of the people saying the takeaway is "just get lvl 2 advantage" or "smurfing is bad" are missing the point to this video. This video isn't saying "go smurf in low elo", it's showing low elo players how to take advantage of the same stategies that smurfs employ in their own elo.


Can you make a low elo jungle snow balling guide??? Would really appreciate it


me: (level 23) trying out a new champion in pubs after grinding about 20 bot games.
Opponent: lvl 198 aurelia

This matchmaking is unfair sometimes


How to destroy Aatrox as Irelia at lvl1:
Step 1= Stack your passive
Step 2= Autoattack him to death

And thats it


One of these for adc would be great! Loved the video and headed to the site 👌


I'm a support main but those videos help a lot with overall game knowledge. I started playing the game this year and it's my first moba, so a lot of this stuff is new to me and the game doesn't really teach you these things at all. Thanks for the video!


Things I learned as a gold.

1. Making use of level advantage.
2. Fast pushing when kill is secured to deny exp and gold.
3. When kill is secured, don't go back yet when a cannon minion is present. Let the enemy minions push towards your turret, denying your opponent exp and gold because the larger wave of the enemy pushes your wave.
4. You can do all of these if your champion is good at csing while under turret like irelia. Unlike akali who is terrible at it, though she can pretty much do the same thing just not under her turret.


Awesome breakdown of the match. I've learned a lot. You are my favourite educational channel for league


This only is useful if you're trying to practice something you're consistently messing up and need to tighten up your plays for your elo. But presumably once you go back to your elo your opponent (s) will probably know this stuff and will hard deny whenever possible and plays you could make on your smurf are now harder or just flat out not possible anymore. That's why is better just to learn from your mistakes in your elo. Don't worry about climbing just focus on improving and the elo will rise naturally as you get better. If your constantly smurfing than your only practicing to be on that elo. It's essentially like a silver practicing in AI games. Mechanics might improve but not enough of the game play will improve to matter. Acceptance of mistakes and learning in your elo are the most consistent way to climb. And on the flip side when you smurf you're making harder for people to learn on the other end. If I was that Aatrox this would have ticked me off because it would be obvious that Irelea is a smurf and it would be difficult to pinpoint my mistakes because I'd be constantly distracted by just not dying. All my macro and map awareness would just tank from tilt and I'd have learned nothing to improve or I'd make wrong assumptions and change my play that might not be correct therefore taking it even longer to improve. Unless I study my replay to pinpoint what I did wrong. Personally I'd try to watch and learn what happened and wouldn't tilt but so many do and that's not helpful. Learn in your own elos plz.


1st video i saw from u a lot people recommened u on reddit and WOW im super impressed. Really well explained video. Im a mid main who plays velkoz.


watched this video on your website and it helped me reach plat again. Was hardstuck silver 1 for 2 seasons before watching your guides, and since i subbed last year i finally managed to get to plat 3. Hopefully can climb further (possibly diamond ;)


glad you explained the no recall aspect. I thought for sure the answer was to recall and tp with item advantage. I forgot irelia could sustain. If I had been another champ without sustain and no potions, say Aurelion Sol, I would be right to back and hurry to lane before it crashed right?


The thing with smurfing is that you need macro to do it. Most plat players have good mechanics but as you can tell he died lv 1 due to poor macro. I smurf a lot in lower elos as well but ive noticed that solo lane mains usually acknowledge the minion xp and powerspikes in high gold. Aatrox shouldnt have walked up knowing she will get lv 2. Im thinking this is either low plat or hes not a top lane main.

In diamond players start to acknowledge the ward kill xp as well which means that if your laner killed a ward they get enough xp to get lv 2 from first wave which often gets most low elo players by surprise. Starting oracle is a good strat on some midlaners, obviously its dependant on whether the enemies invade and leave a ward though because pixel brush isnt a viable ward anymore.

your macro only develops by playing. At this part of the season you should only play to improve, not for lp :D


"How to exploit Low Elo Mistakes"
Me being Iron 3, just wanting to get in Silver


Reminder that smurfing is toxic and ruins the experience of other players, don't smurf, it's frankly disgusting that this is accepted as a ethically normal thing to do


The Atrox could've definitely lived if he had flashed Irelia's stun at level 2. It would've been a better game for him if he did 100%
