Small BookTuber Sunday Shoutout

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As it is a not so sunny Sunday here, I thought it was high time I brighten some of my wonderful friends' days. I have honestly been so touched by all the love and support by SO MANY great small BookTubers (and some big ones too!) that I wanted to repay the kindness and generosity shown to me. Of course, the creators in this video are just five amongst a sea of great friends that I am making, and don't you worry, I will be getting to them at a later date, I was thinking of perhaps making this a monthly thing. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and I hope that you have found some great BookTubers (or if you already subscribe to them) some great book recommendations!

Channels with Books Mentioned:

1) Shazza at Hooked on Books:
Sharon's BEAUTIFUL Alice in Wonderland Video:

The Little Buddhist Monk by César Aira:
A General Theory of Oblivion by José Eduardo Agualusa:
Peter and Alice by John Logan:

2) Miriam at BetweenLinesandLife:
Miriam's Minor Change Chatty Video:

The Salmon Who Dared to Leap Higher by Ahn Do-Hyun:
Anthropology and Art Practice ed. by Arnd Schneider and Christopher Wright:

3) Lia at Hyde and Seek:
Lia's Australian Children's Book Re-Read Video:

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro:
Tarka the Otter by Henry Williamson:

4) Meonicorn at The Bookish Land:
Meonicorn's Chinese Lit. Playlist:

Ghostwritten by David Mitchell:
Against Interpretation and Other Essays by Susan Sontag:
Regarding the Pain of Others by Susan Sontag:

5) Ashleigh at A Frolic Through Fiction:
Ashleigh's Uni Extracts Video:

The Magicians by Lev Grossman:
Literature and Evil by Georges Bataille:

I hope you enjoyed this video, and don't forget to share the love with some of your favourite small BookTubers! You can tell me all about them in the comments below.

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I already follows Sharon, Ashleigh and Lia, they’re so great!!! I’ll definitely check out the rest of the booktubers you mentioned😊 You’re so right about how kind people are here on booktube, it is the loveliest thing. So lucky to be part of this community!!


This was wonderful - and wonderfully generous. Thank you for doing it!


Absolutely lovely video! I love how you've formatted this with book recommendations as well, it really makes the recommendations accessible. I am subscribed to a couple already and they are fantastic so excited to explore the rest!


Omg Matthew!!! Here I was, just sitting and watching this video with a smile on my face because it's such a bloomin' lovely idea, only to realise I was part of it. I actually teared up a little ahaha! Thank you so much <3 I immediately bought both of the books you recommended for me, they sound absolutely spot on. I can't wait for them to arrive! I'm a pretty slow reader, but I'm up for a buddy read if you want to - entirely up to you, don't feel like you have to wait for me :) I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
I'm honestly so in awe of you and your channel, how you manage to make every video so original. I've seen so many people do shoutouts, but no one who has spent so long working on what they'll say about the people they're recommending and pairing them up with books.


Such lovely suggestions and an overall loveliness in this video


This was just wonderful. I cannot thank you enough for your kind words and I totally teared up! You deserve ALL my cheesy compliments and many more :D!
And those books is totally going on my wishlist (and hopefully soon TBR when my book buying rule allows me too :P)
And look at me being a good booktuber and already knowing all the other channels as well


Thanks for all the recommendations! I follow some on this list but there are some channels that are new to me :)


Thanks so much for the sub recommendations! =0)


this is such a lovely video!! thank you so much for creating this, i've found loads of awesome new channels to subscribe to!


Thank you so so so much for the shout out and the recommendations XD You are right, I am so interested in Ghostwritten and Against Interpretation and Other Essays now! And also the third book XD And I found other books you recommended to other lovely people are fascinating too! So nice to see this video popped up in my feed, brightened my upcoming busy week! And I've subbed to some of the other awesome booktubers you mentioned, and part of them I found because of they are your regular commenters, how nice!! I am so grateful for Femmeuary (I've told you a million times haha), and look forward to learn more from all of you guys!


This most definitely has made my day, YOU'RE THE LOVELIEST! I very much enjoyed The Little Buddhist Monk, I'd love to read more of César Aira. I will be sure to pick up Peter and Alice, I remember you mentioning it before, I'm definitely interested so thank you!! I love how you added a unique spin on shout out videos, this was great!


What a great collection of booktubers! I had not seen most of these channels before. I absolutely adored the way you paired book recommendations with their personalities and content. What a brilliant idea!
