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Depends how many TIE’s there are if there is a crap ton I’ll take the falcon but if it’s just a couple I’ll take the bomber
Falcon has plot armor
Edit:yooo I’m already top comment
Question one: How many main characters are onboard the falcon?
Question two: How fat is the Y-Wing pilot?
In Disney movie any ship can outrun the tie fighter
Only one falcon survived the war. There’s plenty of Y wings that survived.
Din's modified N1 Naboo star fighter
The Y-Wing. I want the fight to actually be fair for the TIEs. Even in the Flying Brick of Death, I still have a good chance of winning since that "Flying Brick" just happens to have all the bombs and torpedoes my little maniacal heart could ever dream of detonating.
I’d probably go with the Y-wing since it’s less cumbersome, has more defensive capabilities and might be faster due to it being lighter than the falcon.
They both suffer from being old ships so require a great deal of maintenance and patch work. xx
Mellenium falcon cant be destroyed (plot armor)
Bruh even my grandpa is faster then that big ass bomber
Falcon, it made the kestle run in only... 😋
Can you make a short on the ARC 170 Starfighter or the V-Wing
The y wing is way more reliable than the falcon, plus it's got good armor and a turret on it.
Falcon, that thing donated plot armor to Luke
Meanwhile in Battlefront II EA: died in 10 seconds after attacking an objective
Trick question. The answer is anything with a hyperdrive cuz the tie interceptor doesn’t have one
Easy. Millennium Falcon has a rotating turret so it can shoot down the interceptor while flying in front of it
The falcon has better speed and Y wing has better defense and offense, so the Y wing would be better if you're a good pilot
It depends, if Falcon had plot armor, of course i would go with it, buy Y-wing is my fav starwars ship, but not for the looks, for its performance