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Is low-carb/keto the best diet? Find out how it stacks up against low-fat and Mediterranean diets. The headlines don’t always tell the real story!

“Change your food, change your life!”

Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the science-backed benefits of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets.

Dr. Westman is an obesity medicine specialist and trusted expert in the therapeutic power of carbohydrate restriction, and clinical research, and has treated patients using low-carb keto diets for over twenty-five years. 
He makes keto SIMPLE, so that YOU can LOSE weight, REVERSE chronic disease and GET the RESULTS you want.

Get started NOW by grabbing our FREE GUIDE – 10 Tips for Starting Keto Right. 

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Dr. Eric Westman, Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke. He is Board Certified in Obesity Medicine & Internal Medicine, & founded the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic. He is a Fellow in The Obesity Society. He is the author of The New Atkins for a New You, Cholesterol Clarity, and Keto Clarity, and End Your Carb Confusion & co-founder of Adapt Your Life.

Disclaimer: Nothing on our channel is medical advice. 
Dr. Westman and the Adapt Your Life team do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions online. We provide education to help people better understand their own health and support their well-being. Make sure you are working with YOUR licensed provider to monitor your health and medications. These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual. We do not promote or endorse affiliate links and/or products unless they are our own.
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I believe it also has a lot to do with genes. My parents eat 3 times a day. white bread cheese and chocopasta in the morning. same in the afternoon, and for diner álways meat vegetables and potato's. they don't snack much, dad only likes licorice. They drink a lot of coffee. Mom stopped smoking at 50, dad never smoked, they don't drink. They walk a lot or take the bike out for a spin. They don't have any medication, and have a healthy weight. They are both 83.

( Lets hope i'm not adopted)


The Ketogenic and Carnivore diet is the best...I have lost 117 lbs 🎉😊 Thank you is not enough for you Dr. Westman 😊


I’m two weeks into trying the carnivore diet for the first time. It’s striking how the higher fat content doesn’t leave me craving carbs. If I try a diet including low levels of carbs or sugar substitutes I find myself craving carbs each evening. On carnivore it’s easy to eat zero carbs without cravings. This lack of binging behaviour is making carnivore easier to stick to and there more sustainable.


One thing for sure, carnivores will have an easy time filling our their questionnaires.


I cannot believe there are actual studies still out there pushing a low fat diet is healthier? What? The low fat diet is how our obesity rate skyrocketed since the 80s. I am no doctor but I certainly know low fat diets are not recommended not only for weight loss, but for overall better health in particular our brains! We need healthy fats! If you even mention the word keto to most doctors, the majority of them will tell you it’s not healthy or recommended which couldn’t be further from the actual facts from many studies.


I am the fittest and happiest on keto than I’ve been for 30 years. Happy to die a bit early- at least I will have lived an extremely happy and full filling life full of energy, looking great- slim, great skin and no meds or inflammatory problems


I practice the carnivorous diet because I’m hoping for and early death, however, I look forward to feeling absolutely great up to that very last moment.


Did you notice how the third study classified the "classic ketogenic diet" as 90% energy intake from fat, 7% from protein and 3% from carbs? When I started a keto diet I tracked my intake for a couple years and it was practically impossible to get above 80% fat.


I’ve been carnivore for almost 2 years. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made concerning my health.


Another problem with that first study is how is LCD defined? As far as my body handles carbohydrate, there is a massive difference between between 100g/day and 25g/day... while both could be considered "LCD". The first study simply cannot meaningfully know how many carbs were consumed by the LCD cohort...


How many times did you have a hamburger? Does that include a bun and what people choose to have on a burger?


I learned about Dr. Thomas Seyfried's success in reversing glioblastoma (brain cancer). Although mine was endometrial, as a new carnivore, I was able to RESOLVE metastasized tumors in my colon and lymph system by maintaining nutritional ketosis throughout chemotherapy. I still have a remnant cluster of cancer cells on my vaginal cuff and have increased my ketosis level by fasting and including MCT C8 and C10. Other than hair loss, I had no other side effects from the chemo. However I did Keytruda immunotherapy and it was terrible. My thyroid was destroyed and I will be on levothyroxine for life. I mitigated various side effects with specific nutrition. My oncologist had no knowledge of nutrition but did not try to interfere with my focused eating. 😊


High quality protein isn't plant based.


You’re so generous, Dr. Westman. I don’t require quite so much tact. This doctor quotes broadly from the authors’ OPINIONS on the Mediterranean Diet (whose principal study was retracted) and he didn’t read the following sentence that touts the DASH diet. Has the former diet been studied rigorously beyond its landmark study on (from memory) about 40 participants?

Furthermore, if he would like the keto and carnivore community to fund studies, since when are we required to study plant based diets? Let them go get a grant from Barilla Pasta if they want to know about their own diet.


In 2 weeks my BP has gone from135/80 average whilst on meds, to 118/65 off meds and on Keto omad. The first 3 days were difficult, but no bread/potatoes/ beer since and the cravings have completely disappeared. This may not work for everyone; but it's working fine for me.


Good to see these opposing views and studies, and I guess we can all agree on increasing protein and lowering processed foods


Don’t care keto that’s the only diet I can stick to and not feeling hungry . It stopped lifetime overeating. feeling good physically and psychologically everyday and be free of injections is better than think about mortality


I have trouble remembering what I ate 2 days ago, and I don't have a bad memory, and I only have small amount of variety.


The first question I have for studies like this is what are they defining as low carb. I've seen studies call a diet a low carb diet when les than 50% of the calories came from carbs. I wouldn't consider it low carb if it has more than 50 grams of carbs. I would prefer to see less than 10 grams.


I'm on a Mediterranean diet that just so happens to be low in carbs and moderate protein...lol
Why is it these plant based people never offer to mention what's happening to their blood glucose by measuring it ???
