#finalyearprojects 2021 | Power Optimal Sizing and Placement of DG Via Genetic Algorithm
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There is an exponential increase in the load demands. The reliability of the distribution system is important to cope with the load demand. High power losses can lead to consumers having trouble getting adequate electricity. Distributed generator (DG) technology would help to provide positive impacts on the system, such as reducing power losses, thereby increasing the system's performance. Nevertheless, it is important to position the DG in the power system to achieve their maximum potential benefits. A 9-bus radial and 14-bus mesh system is analyzed in MATLAB software to find the total power losses. Genetic Algorithm (GA) method is used to find the optimal sizing and placement for four units of DG into the system. The updated bus system's real power losses are compared with the initial case to see the impact of DG to the system. The result shows that the optimal sizing and placement of DG gives significant reduction in power losses and improvement in the voltage profile. Comparing the results show that optimally placed DG performed better than non-optimal placement of DG.
Contact Supervisor: Prof.Ir.Dr. Mohd Wazir Bin Mustafa
Department of Electrical Power Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Contact Supervisor: Prof.Ir.Dr. Mohd Wazir Bin Mustafa
Department of Electrical Power Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Johor Bahru, Malaysia.