Finding Grace Trailer

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We are pleased to present our Finding Grace film poster!

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I watch a lot of faith based movies and this one was great. The actors/actresses did an amazing job! Thank you for putting out quality content in these dark times.


A must watch movie. Can't wait for it to released.


Great movie it, the girl in it did a really great job


Good acting and nice story, God bless!



I'd like to share my thoughts on this movie and this seems like the best place to do it. Streaming services aren't available in this part of Europe but fortunately, I was able to buy the DVD online.

I watched this movie a week ago and it still occupies my mind. To reset my enthusiasm, I watched it again yesterday.

First, I'd like to mention the few negatives of this movie. For one, audio clarity of the dialog isn't the best in some scenes. I know that audio quality is the last thing on everyone's mind because there is usually no money left to do anything about it. However, it is also true that good recording equipment and software has never been more accessible and easier to use. It might not be a problem if one is watching the movie with subtitles but it could be a problem if you are watching without it. Second, some of the acting by the supporting actors was a bit 'rough around the edges' which, agaih, is an inevitable consequence of trying to make a movie on a certain budget.

Perhaps the biggest fault, though still a minor one, is that the audience doesn't get to see what really happened between the main protagonist, a young girl named Alaska, and her would-be friend. I think it was important because these events serve as something of a catalyst for the rather dramatic follow-up.

This is not criticism, it is just my personal opinion, for what it's worth, because I do like the movie enough to care.

Now onto the good. Like I said, I rewatchd the movie a week later, with the intention of having a 'cool head'. I thought my initial impressions would have settled by then but the thing is, they haven't. My rewatching of the movie reaffirmed everything that I felt while I was watching it for the first time. This movie is unsettling to watch. It's slow paced so the characters have a lot of room to come alive and it pays dividends as we witness the real underlying horror of the lead character.

The movie examines emotions of anger, guilt and remorse and it is these powerful emotions, all suddenly being thrown into a mix together, that lead to the film's dramatic climax in which we see our main protagonist, Alaska, reliving the worst day of her life. Broken and torn, with her mother's photograph in her hands, the Rose family is falling apart at the seems right before the viewer's eyes. I could feel genuine agony and pain of the characters in this scene, but also their love for each other. This sequence staggered me. It is more than unsettling, it is – involving.

In retrospect, I can't decide whether this was by design or a pure coincidence reinforced by the, again, unexpected but simply brilliant performance of the lead actors, but this movie digs deep into the human psyche and lays it bare for the audience to see. It doesn't give you the answers but it certainly makes you aware of the questions.

I think the lead actress, Paris Warner, deserves a special mention too. I found her performance to be from the heart, with absolutely zero artificiality and with a touching lack of artifice. Let's get personal here – I've seen actors winning Academy awards for lesser performances.

Of course, the movie has other qualities as well. For one, the srory is simple but clear and relatable and the rhythm of the movie is surefooted. I also thought that the opening boat sequence was beautifully shot. The music score was good too and well-timed with the events on the screen. I have something of a soft spot for orchestral arrangements like this one as they do serve to reinforce the emotional impact of the movie. The music in the pillow fight scene was a nice touch and quite funny too!

In the end, the important thing is not to take this movie lightly. It might be a TV production with some unavoidable imperfections that arise from filming on a budget but that should not take anything away from the impact it can have – if you're the 'right' type of viewer and if you're in the right mood. – It is beautiful and I can recommend it wholeheartedly.

P.S. To Paris Warner I can say only this: You are now BIG in Croatia!


A nice movie, whether you are Christian or not. Low budget, sure, don't worry about that either - the story is what matter.


What's the name of the woman in the hospital... seriously.


can you recommend me silmilar movies like this one? 💗


Beautiful movies for messed up sinners like me


Well, something tells me this trailer shows too much of the movie.
