Laser Engraving: Rastering vs Toolpaths with Inkscape

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============== Description ==============
In this video I am showing the differences between rastering and using machining toolpaths for laser engraving on my DIY laser engraver.
The video describes two ways to generate Gcode from a graphics using Inkscape plugins.
In order to reduce the machining time from the usual rastering process I adapted the Inkscape plugin "Gcodetools" to make it work with my engraver.
============== Further Questions ==============
Feel free to leave a comment.
============== Links ==============
Raster 2 Laser GCode generator:
============== Soundtrack ==============
Behind The Lines (Alternate Version)
by Ian Sutherland
In this video I am showing the differences between rastering and using machining toolpaths for laser engraving on my DIY laser engraver.
The video describes two ways to generate Gcode from a graphics using Inkscape plugins.
In order to reduce the machining time from the usual rastering process I adapted the Inkscape plugin "Gcodetools" to make it work with my engraver.
============== Further Questions ==============
Feel free to leave a comment.
============== Links ==============
Raster 2 Laser GCode generator:
============== Soundtrack ==============
Behind The Lines (Alternate Version)
by Ian Sutherland
Laser Engraving: Rastering vs Toolpaths with Inkscape
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