Laser Engraving: Rastering vs Toolpaths with Inkscape

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============== Description ==============
In this video I am showing the differences between rastering and using machining toolpaths for laser engraving on my DIY laser engraver.

The video describes two ways to generate Gcode from a graphics using Inkscape plugins.

In order to reduce the machining time from the usual rastering process I adapted the Inkscape plugin "Gcodetools" to make it work with my engraver.

============== Further Questions ==============
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============== Links ==============

Raster 2 Laser GCode generator:

============== Soundtrack ==============

Behind The Lines (Alternate Version)

by Ian Sutherland

Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for sharing your extension, and an even bigger thank you for updating it to 1.0! Great work, this is exactly what I was looking for.


Really appreciate the effort you made. Don't know why laser manufacturers like Gravograph don't build this into the software.


Awesome work! This is exactly the tool i was looking for!


A huge THANK YOU, that's just what I was looking for.


thanks so much for the tool Chris. Is see you used a 2w diode laser. can you share you speed settings you set for your perimeter and infill. Actually a screenshot of all you setting will help me greatly eg: like the width you chose to go with aswell. I have a 2.5w laser so our setting should be close. thanks again for helping all tinkerers out there in the world


This is an amazing program. Exactly what I was looking for. You must be a clever guy.I am content to wait for the programe to work out every thing but I get nervous when it just seems to just sit there.If it is your intention to develop the programe further then maybe a bar to indicate it progress.Once again very well done.Mick


pull request has been made with many improvements in Gcode generation. Code is now cleaner and smaller. Option for overshoot for infill which is necessary for more powerful Nichia 7W lasers to run at full intensity and speed. I was able to run my laser at 6000 mm / min


I have made changes in the Gcode generation. It now makes cleaner Gcode. I will make a pull request on Github


Hi, I was looking for a tool like this for quite some time.
It works good, but I have a small problem. It generates a gcode, but the code is to big. I mean in terms of the work field. Though I set the limits of board to 200x200mm (everything in inkscape is set to mm) it generates the code up to 570mm. So now in inkscape I set the board to 50x50mm and the generated code goes to around 170x170mm.
Is there something I am missing ?
Thank you


Thanks for the work, the add-on is the best, but I have a problem generating the code with the curves.
with your samples it works very well but when I try it with my vectors it does not generate the lines of the curves.
any suggestion plz?


Hey christoph. Would you mind providing direction as to how you used gcodetools to accomplish this? I've been doing vecter engravings but want to try to do vecter with raster filling it.


Thank you for putting in the work on this. I have tried this plugin multiple times without success. Every-time I try, it hangs for an extended period of time and makes appx 2000+ .nc files then finally I'll cancel it. I've tried larger pictures and smaller pictures to just see if it comes out ok. I haven't had a successful try yet, am I doing something wrong? The raster from 305 engineering works fine, as does jtech photonics plugin, I would like to use yours as it seems like the best of both worlds. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!


It seems I have missed something, but how or is it possible to turn the laser on with M106 command and to turn it off with M107 and still be able to set the power? Thanks


Ive noticed the gcode out put has 3 digit designators, i.e "(G04) PO M106 S150". My engraver will only work with 2 digit designators, i.e. "(G4) PO M106 S150". It there a way to change the gcode output to that?


Hi, Du fragtest wegen der kleinen Unschärfen beim Path (kurzes Anhalten beim Einschalten des Lasers). Wenn Du GRBL nutzt, kannst Du den Laser-Mode einschalten um das zu vermeiden ($ 32=1)


I'm trying to find the plug in you wrote. Where is it located?


hello sir
when i am using path (laser on= M03, laser 0ff = M05) X axis and Y axis working good but laser is not working help me out.. i am using ramp 1.4 in laser. Raster is working good all axis n laser working properly but in PATH laser is not working.


Laser tools hinterlässt bei mir auch nur ein raster gcode -_-
