Google Panics Over ChatGPT [The AI Wars Have Begun]

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Google's newly announced BARD AI system is mentioned at 12:25
In this episode we see why Google has called a code red because of ChatGPT but why? Why is ChatGPT such a threat? And what are Google doing about it? In this episode we find out.

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Producer: Dagogo Altraide
Writer: Meehan Kathan and Dagogo Altraide
Editor: Tanzim Uddin and Dagogo Altraide
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THAT'S IT! This whole time during Chat GPT's rise I've been asking myself, "Where the Hell is Google? Haven't they been leading in AI academic research for a solid decade+ now?" And the answer was obvious and right in front of us the whole time. The answer was ads. Google isn't a search engine company, it's an ad broker. Their business isn't search, search is just how they get you to the ads & how they collect information on you to sell to advertisers. If Google made the search engine AI driven you won't open 5 different sites looking for that oat milk recipe and you'll never see the dozen or more ads & popups on each site.


I think the biggest challenge to Google right now is that, people may believe "there's an alternative"


One thing I always HATED about Google was their oversaturation of ads


It's crazy how long the voice assistant have existed and how they have just stagnated, nearly 10 years ago I remember using the Google voice assistant and it was crappy but since it was new... And now it's as crappy as ever, Siri is even older... Really mind-blowing to think how little those products have improved.


As always another comprehensive video.


Honestly Google’s search engine has been getting worse and worse.


It's delightful to see Google with a genuine rival once again. From time to time, the colossus gets too comfortable and needs a reminder of what it's like to be in a real battle. Bing-oh!


Imagine if Apple dumps Google for their default search engine to Bing. Mindblowing.


Things are definitely getting shaken up. I didn't realize the impact this would have on ad revenue. ChatGPT synthesizing the full answer for you would mean less clicks to the source sites. And that's a massive issue when your most of your income comes from ad revenue which itself depends on getting user clicks. No wonder Google hasn't released something like this earlier even though they should already have all the data, talent and resources to do so. It would be disrupting their own business model when they already dominate the search industry.


I'm pretty disturbed by the idea of a search engine that doesn't only determine which sites you see first (as Google does) but that doesn't let you see any sites and sources and that doesn't let you roam (relatively) freely yourself. There's so much room for manipulation.

It's like entering and traversing a (carefully curated) library vs. being forced to stand at the door and wait for the librarian to hand you a book of their own choosing.


I sold a couple of homes in the Tampa area for pretty good cash and am considering just leaving it in stocks while waiting for a house crash and avoiding inflation, but is this really a good time to buy stocks? I hear it's a madhouse right now, and I'd love to know how people are raking in six-figure profits by the week.


I actually thought that ChatGPT was an AI that was continuously learning from ongoing chats but no, it doesn't.
This was a surprise to me.
This is the answer it gave me:
"As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to store information or maintain a persistent memory of previous conversations. Each time I receive a prompt, I generate a response based on the information that was available to me during my training, without reference to previous interactions. This means that while I can provide information and answer questions based on the text data that I was trained on, I do not have a long-term memory or the ability to update my knowledge in real-time."


Google had the perfect algorithm back in the late 2000's. Then they decided to know what you want better than you do, also the lack of resource web pages... Replaced by SEO and other companies. No matter what you search now you'll get something sold to you for the first few results. They deserve to be worried, even tho Chat GPT is using a different tech, they're just redoing what Google was already doing over 10 years ago.


The issue with GPTs in this context especially is the lack of transparency in the sourcing of data. Without that, it will be hard to trust their conversational answers to searches. Compare that to wikipedia and the limitation becomes apparent. So what we need is a GPT that shows its homework so to speak.


Google initially started out as an internet search business; Google has since morphed into an internet advertising business.


My main concern is this: Knowledge assistants will eventually become so good that they will be 100% correct and everyone will trust them blindly. This might work wonders for a time BUT eventually companies will just start getting sponsorship from various products or parties and before you know it you can control the masses much easier than now... I am quite worried things will take this direction and sadly so I do not see any other way


this will kill most websites and cause even greater information control by corporate entities.


It's important to realize that ChatGPT isn't a search engine. The information it outputs can be inaccurate but sound very confident and convincing. When you then point out where it's innacurate, it will admit that it was wrong - but only if you already knew it was wrong and pointed it out.


I honestly see Google and the new Bing as being two different tools for two different purposes. There are certain instances where chat-style-Bing will be great, like when you want instructions on how to do something, when you want to know a bit of trivia, or need inspiration with a project etc. Other times when you actually WANT to look through a list of websites like for certain purchases, or to do some historical research etc. you'll probably want "old style" Google. People aren't suddenly going to give up on looking at websites just because a really good AI chat bot exists.
I can certainly see why Google is in a panic as new style bing does have the potential to steal a lot of their traffic/revenue. However I don't think chat style Bing will totally replace old style search engines, more it will just provide a new and useful alternative (and break Googles informantion/search monopoly).


My thoughts: I would love to see Bing become a real contender in search and I'd love for this to work out. Google has thoroughly dropped the "don't be evil" mantra (officially dropped it and also, obviously dropped it) and Microsoft of new seems to be a lot more ethical than Google - but at the same time, Microsoft bungle everything consumer facing they touch (they still do damn fine enterprise stuff, amongst it all). They always have. So I don't trust them to not Cortana this up.
