Can you S.P.O.T. a terrorist?

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The TSA thinks it can spot a terrorist from our involuntary facial expressions.

As part of the TSA's Screening Passengers by Observation Techniques (SPOT) program, thousands of “behavior detection” officers scrutinize the behavior of travelers in airport screening areas in an attempt to identify anyone who may pose a security risk. If they identify someone exhibiting a "cluster" of behaviors from a list of over 90 expressions that the TSA associates with stress, fear, or deception, they refer that person for secondary inspection or questioning.

The SPOT program is based on junk science. A scientific advisory group that reviewed the program found that "no scientific basis exists to support the detection or inference of future behavior, including intent." The Government Accountability Office also found that it lacked a scientific basis, and recommended that Congress curtail funding for the program.

It invites racial profiling. As one TSA officer said, "They just pull aside anyone who they don't like the way they look -- if they are black and have expensive clothes or jewelry, or if they are Hispanic."

And if that wasn't enough, it's cost the government $1 billion since 2007 and is not known to have led to the identification of a single terrorist.

The ACLU and the NYCLU filed a lawsuit demanding documents relating to the program.

Music by Keith Kenniff. "Invisible Waves," Mint Julep.
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I've looked at dozens of ACLU videos here on YouTube, and at least 98% of them have been filled with stupid and inappropriate music meant to appeal to your emotions (rather than just giving you all the facts). All I want is the facts, I don't want you to try and make me feel sorry these people; I will feel sorry for them when I know what happened.


The TSA doesn't really support this as much anymore. In fact, Stephen Lord, Director of Forensic Audits, is calling for the end of this program.


for you will come a time that will be difficult to get out of   USA    REMEMBER  TODAY THEY HAVE A DIAMOND DETECTOR  AS YOU WANT TO HIDE DIAMONDS  TO CROSS THE BORDER


What a massive waste of American taxpayer money.


A terrorist yells to scare you in public! 😂😂😂😂😂


Like if Keith Kenniff brought you here.
