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In this video, we'll delve into the essential concepts of research population and sample. Whether you're a student, researcher, or just curious about research methodologies, this video will provide a clear explanation of:
 Research Population: What it is and why it's crucial for your study.
 Sample: How to select a sample that accurately represents your population.
 Sampling Techniques: An overview of different methods, including random, stratified, and convenience sampling.
 Importance of Sampling: How proper sampling enhances the validity and reliability of your research findings.
Join us as we break down these fundamental concepts with easy-to-understand examples and practical tips for your research projects. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insights into research methodologies!
Research Population,
Research Sample,
Sampling Techniques,
Research Methodology,
Sampling Methods,
Random Sampling,
Stratified Sampling,
Convenience Sampling,
Research Tips,
Research Basics,
Population vs Sample,
Academic Research,
Quantitative Research,
Qualitative Research,
Data Collection,

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Name : Stevania Manalu
Nim : 170502401
Sixth semester parallel

1. Population➡️ In research termnology the Population can be explain as a comprehensive group of individuals, institutions, obiects and so forth with have a common characteristics that are the interest of a researcher. The common characteristics of the groups distinguish them from other individual, institutions, objects and so forth. The term universe is also used as synonyms to population. Suppose a researcher proposed to conduct a study on awareness and use of ICT among the secondary school teachers in Telungana, the entire secondary school teaching community in lelungana constitutes as the population of the study.
2. Sample➡️ In social science and educational research, practically it is not possible to a researcher to approach all the individuals\ elements in a population for the purpose of data collection. Instead they select and approach a representative group of individuals/elements who falls under the particular population to collect needed intormaton regarding the group. Based on thei results, the researcher generalizes the characteristics of the representative group as the characteristics of population. This 2 small group or representativei group from a population is called as sample. So sample can be defined as the small portion of ai population selected for a particular study. The sample should clearly represent the characteristics of intended group. According to Young "A statistical sample is a miniature picture of cross selection of the entire group or aggregate from which the sample is taken'. The process of conducting a survey to collect data from a sample is called sample survey. The value which is identified or measured from the characteristics of the sample can be termed as statistic.


Good afternoon sir
Nama : Lidya Tama Hutasoit
Nim : 170502003

Terms in research design ( Population and Sample )
- Population and Sample
From the example we will know what is the difference population and sample.
The latest corona virus update, it was reported that the total number of cases of corona virus infection in Indonesia up to Monday 04 May 2020 at 15:30 WIB, nationally confirmed cases of 11, 857 people positive is called Population.
cases, 1, 954 people of which were cured and 864 people die, is called Sample.
* Population is a complete or total set elements ( person or objects) that process some common characteristic, the entire group of people or subjects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the study findings
* Sample is the selected elements (people or objects) from the population chosen for participation chosen for participation in a study
Sampling is done, why? Because
- The researcher cannot gather data from the entire population
- The study of the total population is not possible
- The practical limitation for example cost, time, and other factors.


Name : Tiopani H. Hutahean
Nim : 180502415

Sampling Will be enable us to collect and analyze data for a smaller portion of the population (sample) which must be representative of the entire population and than apply the results to the whole population. And sampling permits us to draw conclusions about very complex situations.


Name : Kalep tampubolon
Nim : 170502018

My conclussion about the subject in this video

1. Population and Sample

*Population is a complete / total set of elements ( persons or objets ) that prossess some common charactheristic, the entire group people or objects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the study findings .

*Sample is the selected elements people or objects from the population

For example :
For example, say you e-mailed study invitations to 200 people on a listserv and 100 of them end up participating in your study (i.e., complete your survey or your experiment). Your sample is the 100 individuals who participated in your study. The 100 individuals who received invitations but did not participate would not be considered part of your sample .


A population includes all of the elements from a set of data. A sample consists one or more observations drawn from the population.


Name : Julentika Simamora
Nim : 170502013

Population in research is a complete set of elements that possess a standard parameter between them.

We are all aware of what the word ‘population’ means in our everyday life. Frequently it is used to describe the human population or the total number of people living in a geographic area of our country or state.

A sample is a smaller part of the whole, i.e., a subset of the entire population. It is representative of the population in a study. When conducting surveys, the sample is the members of the population who are invited to participate in the survey. Hence said, a sample is a subgroup or subset within the population. This sample can be studied to investigate the characteristics or behavior of the entire population data.


Name: Chandra Lumbantoruan
Nim: 170502413

a population is an entire group about which some information is required to be ascertained. We can have population of heights, weights, BMIs, hemoglobin levels, events, outcomes, so long as the population is well defined with explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria. In selecting a population for study, the research question or purpose of the study will suggest a suitable definition of the population to be studied, in terms of location and restriction to a particular age group, sex or occupation. The population must be fully defined so that those to be included and excluded are clearly spelt out (inclusion and exclusion criteria).

Sampling is a method that allows researchers to infer information about a population based on results from a subject of the population, without having to investigate every individual. Reducing the number of individuals in a study reduces the cost and workload, and may make it easier to obtain high quality information, but this has to be balanced against having a large enough sample size with enough power to detect a true association make accurate inferences, the sample has to be representative. A representative sample is one in which each and every member of the population has an equal and mutually exclusive chance of being selected.


Name : Rial Sitanggang
Nim. : 170502410
Sixth semester paralel

A. Population
Population is a complete /total set of elements (persons or objects) that prosesses some common characteristic, the entire group people or objects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the study findings

B. Sample
Sample is the selected elements people or objects from the population.
Sampling is done when the researcher cannot gather data from the entire population, practical limitation and when it is impossible and impractical.

Conclusion :
A population includes all of the elements from a set of data. A sample cinsists one or more observations drawn from the population.
Thank you sir.


Good Night Sir
I'm Novia R. Sitanggang
Nim :170502404
Sem : VI parallel
Population is a region that consists of objects or subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics. The population can be people and objects. When we talk about people. then the population of people is all people in the world. If we want to know are people who study at Sisingamangaraja University, then the population is all people who study in Sisingamangaraja University. So, the population is all members within the scope of what we mean.
Sample is a subgroup of the population selected for use in research that is used to describe the characteristics of a population.
For example, do research about students activeness of the English Department at the University of Sisingamangaraja, then the Students of English Department are a sample of all students at the University of Sisingamangaraja.
Thankyou Sir and sorry for being late 🙏


Name: Ria Junita Simaremare
In doing research, we need a sample to observe. So in this case we will learn what the population and sample are. The total number of tenth grade of students of SMK N 1 Siborongborong is called as population. If we take some of them in a certain number (i.g.60 from 300), it is called sample.
So the defintion of population is a complete a complete or total of element (person/object)that posses some common characteristic the entire group of people or object to which the researcher whishes to generalize the study finding. It is bigger than the sample.
The sample is the selected element (people/object)from the population chosen for participation in a study.
Sampling is done when the researcher cannot gather data from the entire population, practical limitation and when it is impossible and impractical.


NIM ; 170502004

* Population is a complete/ total set of elements (person or objects) that possess some common characteristic, (the entire group of people or objects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the study findings) or elements of a set data
* The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population.

so imagine you have a sample. your sample is the group of individuals who participate in your study, and your population is the broader group of people to whom your results will apply. As an analogy, you can think of your sample as an aquarium and your population as the ocean. Your sample is small portion of a vaster ocean that you are attempting to understand. Properly distinguishing between these two concepts will aid you as you navigate the methodological details of your dissertation.


Good Afternoon Sir
Name : Jonrio Simatupang
NIM : 170502408
Population and Sample :
population a complete set of elements (persons or objects) that possess some common characteristic defined by the sampling criteria established by the researcher
Target population -The entire group of people or objects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the study findings

Sample is the selected elements (people or objects) chosen for participation in a study; people are referred to as subjects or participants
Sampling - the process of selecting a group of people, events, behaviors, or other elements with which to conduct a study.


A population includes all of the elements from a set of data.
A sample consists one or more observations drawn from the population.

Depending on the sampling method, a sample can have fewer observations than the population, the same number of observations, or more observations. More than one sample can be derived from the same population.

Thankyou Sir


Good morning sir

Name :Yulithalia sianturi
Nim :170502017

My conclusion

Population is a generalization area that consists of objects / subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions.

Samples are part of the population. The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. The sample can explain the state of a population in only certain parts of the population.


Good day sir
Name : Grace N Simanjuntak
NIM : 170502001
Population & Sample
a)Population is a complete/total set of elements (persons or objects) that prossess some common characteristic, (The entire group of people or objects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the study findings).
b) Sample is the selected elements (people or objects from the population) chosen for participation in a study.
c) Sampling is done because:
•The researcher cannot gather data from the entire population.
•The study of the total population is not possible and it is also impracticable.
•The practical limitation: cost, time and other factors.


Good afternoon sir.
Name:Romansyah putra guci.

🔙Terms in research desrign(Population and Sample)
The difference about population and sample.
🔙Population is a complete or total set elements(person or objects)that process some common characteristic.
The entire group of people or subject to which the research wishes to generalize the study findings.
🔙Sample is the selected elements(people or objects)from from the pooulation choosen for participation in a study sampling is done, why???
1. The research can not gather data from the entire population
2. The study of the tot population is not possible.
3. The practical limitation for example cost, time, and other factors.
Thank you sir


good day sir😇
Name : Asima R. Pakpahan
Nim : 170502007

is a complete/total set of elements (persons or objects) that prossess some common characteristic, (The entire group of people or objects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the study findings).
is the selected elements (people or objects from the population) chosen for participation in a study.
→The researcher cannot gather data from the entire population.
→The study of the total population is not possible and it is also impracticable.
→The practical limitation: cost, time and other factors.


Name : Rati M. Lumbantoruan
NIM. : 170502016
Is a complete /total set of elements (person or objects)that process some common characteristic (the entire group of people or objects two which the researches wishes to heneralize the study findings.
Ex: there are 300 students of the elevent grade in SMA N.1 Doloksanggul .
Is the selected elements (people or objects from the population)chosen for participation in a study.
Ex: from the 300 students, only 60 students include in the study/research
• the 60 students ( is termed as "Sample"

Sampling ia done Because
•the researches cannot gather data from the entire
•the study of the total population is not possible and it is also impracticable
•the practical limitation:cost, time and other factors
•is it possible to include all the elevent grade students all over Indonesia


Name : Gita Melyanti Manalu
Nim : 170502009
Good day sir
II.Terms In Research Design
Population And Sample
> Population : A complete/total set of elements (persons or objects) that prossess some common characteristic, (The entire group of people or objects to which the researcher wishes to generalize the study findings).
> Sample : The selected elements (people or objects from the population) chosen for participation in a study.
> Sampling is done because:
- The researcher cannot gather data from the entire population.
- The study of the total population is not possible and it is also impracticable.
- The practical limitation: cost, time and other factors.
- Is it possible to include all the eleventh grade students all over indonesia?


Good afternoon sir
Name : Santa Panjaitan
Nim. : 170502403
Sixth semester paralel.

* Population
A complete/total set of elements ( person or objective), that process some common charactristic ( the entire group of people or objective two which the research wishes to generalize the study finding.
-There are 300 students of the element grade on SMA N.1 Doloksanggul .
* Sample
The selected elements ( people or objects from the population)chosen for Participantion ini a study.
Sampling is done:
- when the researcher cannot gathering data from the entire population.
- Practical limitation
- when item id impossible and impractical.
Thank you sir


Good afternoon sir
Name: Arnot f. Lumbantobing
Nim: 170502409
Population is a complete set of elements (persons or objects) that possess some common characteristic defined by the sampling criteria established by the researcher
Sample is the selected elements (people or objects) chosen for participation in a study; people are referred to as subjects or participants
Sample is the group of individuals who participate in your study, and your population is the broader group of people to whom your results will apply. As an analogy, you can think of your sample as an aquarium and your population as the ocean. Your sample is small portion of a vaster ocean that you are attempting to understand. Properly distinguishing between these two concepts will aid you as you navigate the methodological details of your dissertation.


Good Afternoon Sir

Nama : Elisabet Tumanggor
Nim : 170502412

​1. Population
In research terminology the Population can be explain as a comprehensive group of individuals, institutions, objects and so forth with have a common characteristics that are the interest of a researcher. The common characteristics of the groups distinguish them from other individual, institutions, objects and so forth. The term universe is also used as synonyms to population. Suppose a researcher proposed to conduct a study on awareness and use of ICT among the secondary school teachers in Telungana, the entire secondary school teaching community in Telungana constitutes as the population of the study.

​2. Sample
In social science and educational research, practically it is not possible to a researcher to approach all the individuals\elements in a population for the purpose of data collection. Instead they select and approach a representative group of individuals/elements who falls under the particular population to collect needed information regarding the group. Based on the results, the researcher generalizes the characteristics of the representative group as the characteristics of population. This 2 small group or representative group from a population is called as sample. So sample can be defined as the small portion of a population selected for a particular study. The sample should clearly represent the characteristics of intended group. According to Young “A statistical sample is a miniature picture of cross selection of the entire group or aggregate from which the sample is taken”. The process of conducting a survey to collect data from a sample is called sample survey. The value which is identified or measured from the characteristics of the sample can be termed as statistic.
