DECLUTTERING and ORGANIZING my MESSY room✨ new decor, deep clean, satisfying

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My room has gotten out of control with the clutter.. which is why in today's video I will be decluttering and organizing it! Getting rid of things I don't need and making more space in my room since I do share it with my bunny. Hopefully this motivates you to get rid of things you've been hoarding and create a clean space that helps motivate you for productivity.

chapters 🧺:
intro 00:00
building my bookshelf: 01:05
decorating my shelf 02:58
decluttering my skincare organizer 03:25
getting rid of excess yarn 04:43
organizing my makeup 06:10
organizing my desk 07:59
organizing my other shelf 09:07
decluttering my closet 09:55
cleaning up my room 11:34
final look 14:12

𝙵 𝙾 𝙻 𝙻 𝙾 𝚆 𝙼 𝙴 :

𝙱𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢:
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I've heard many many times that it's betterr to declutter according to the space that you have, than buying new storage bins, shelvings, drawers, etc. Think of containers as the phisical limits to your stuff. You don't need to become a minimalist, but go through your things first and see what you don't use, wear, need, or like anymore, and then start reorganizing the entire room. That is what works the best for me... I used to feel overwhelmed before I started to do that, and now I declutter and organize a lot easier and without the overwhelm


As someone who has the same struggles, my advice for the desk is, Angle the mirror against the corner where you have it. So instead of flat against one wall, have it rest on both walls…move the double stacked yellow and pink boxes behind the mirror and then move the vase with flowers to the right where the stacked boxes were.


Whenever I need to clean my room listening to these videos is the only thing that motivates me.


As a person who constantly rearranges her room like 3-4 times a day, I'd say put the shelf to the back of the desk to kind of cut off your work space from your hobby space. Scoot the night table over just a bit, and put your makeup mirror in the window sill to be able to do your makeup with natural light. Place a small flat pillow on the floor to cushion it, and yeah, I think it'd look much neater, and it would clear up space on your desk!


This gave me motivation to clean my room. I love watching people wash their room so it can give me some sort of motivation, too.


girl this video was too relatable.... im stiitng here procrastinating cleaning my room so that I can move new furniture in and make a suitable home for my plants and whenever I clean it always ends up becoming messy again in a matter of a week


This video reminds me when I was younger. Now I still struggle with keeping my space tidy, but married and with children, it's more difficult to tackle.
Now I'm trying to declutter stuff that I don't need. But it's hard.
I'm trying to implement routines that help me keep my house tidy. When I was single I used to spend a whole weekend for cleaning and tidying and decorating, but the next day it was a mess again. Now I don't even have a whole day to do that.
I'm improving as the time pass and I learn more. But I would like to had learned it before.


Hello Meli, my advice as a minimalist: don't buy new storage when you want to declutter. The less space you have, the more you're willing to get rid of things. you don't have to adapt to a minimalist lifestyle but since you seem pretty unhappy with your room, you should really consider keeping items that you don't need.
When you started with your desk I noticed that you just rearrange your stuff. Instead get everything out of the drawer, and see if you need everything or just put it elsewhere. the drawer under the desk provides so much room, you could also just use it for your makeup instead.


I think for displaying all your trinkets, you should get some acrylic stands so that they can actually fill up the space you put them in. Having a bunch of little things in a tall drawer can look strange, but if you have the little trinkets in two layers, then you can free up some counter space on your desk and other drawers for some calmness to the room. I love clear spaces so you can actually use them when you need to!!


I totally relate with this especially how long it took to clean out a whole bedroom. I recently decluttered mine. I threw (some are for donation) out a lot of things which I no longer use. Now, I am enjoying a bigger and cleaner space.


Heyy, when it comes to the desk I would balance the sides, I saw another comment saying this but I would tilt the mirror into the corner and move the vase to the right side. It would help with height, I would make the laptop more central and then scatter the smaller decor about colour correspondingly, hope this helps <33


I love how real and honest you are this is so fun to watch!!! Thank you!! You inspired me to declutter


Watching your struggle meant soo much to me. I live in my one room with my husband and toddler at the moment and I have been soo depressed at how much I need to keep in my room. Its never aesthetically pleasing so it was nice to see someone else on the same boat as me. Until I can finally get my own house soon hopefully I will have to keeping dealing with the clutter sadly.


Great job decluttering! I like the vibe👍🏼 My only suggestion/recommendation would be to try switching the salt lamp with your makeup organizer. I find it super helpful to store makeup near where I plan to use it☺️


omg yes CLEANING CLEARS YOUR MIND that is good that you are cleaning


when you said "it recommends two but i have God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit" it was AUTOMATIC subscribe i laughed so much sister


I came across your video because I watch decluttering videos to motivate myself to do it myself... and i loveee your content so much. hello to my new favorite youtuber!


Love your vidas 🤍I think a good idea would be put some shelves on the walls to display your small trinkets above your desk that you don’t normally use that often. You also have all your small items on display and it looks like a lot of clutter but I’d suggest bins that you can put on your bookshelf to hide the clutter so it looks cleaner ❤ or a dresser instead of bookshelves that way you’d have storage for extra clothes


I love your style!!!! Can you do a whats in my closet tour? Thank you!


Use fairy lights or LEDS for more light, it’ll be aesthetic too. Maybe change the rug, and change the curtains to match the lights 😊
