Social networks nodes as early signals for positive tipping points

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Cynthia Juwita Ismail, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, presented the research: Social networks nodes as early signals for positive tipping points.

Abstract: Changes in social networks and transformative visions can activate collective actions and precondition positive tipping points towards sustainability. They are, however, methodologically limited investigations in non-western countries. In this research, we customised Integrated Sustainability Assessment (ISA) with participatory narrative analysis, social-ecological network analysis and Q-methodology to capture the transformation process in structures and narratives in coal and carbon-intensive regions of Indonesia: Banten and Bali Province. Our research approach successfully tracked changing narratives (or visions) and networks as the social anticipatory signals for tipping points. The case studies demonstrated that owning transformative sustainability visions does not guarantee positive tipping points. In contrast, social network analysis coupled with ecological parts could identify capable agents that may act as the ‘anticipatory tipping signals’ in energy networks. Additionally, weak-ties agents like civil society and private companies should not be ignored given their direct operation over the regions. Finally, our results offered in visions and the nodes (or agents) shifts could cause multi-level and cross-sector cascade or telecoupling effects after tipping points.

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