Liquid Bloom & Poranguí - Kuya Sessions Cura - Visual Odyssey 1 Hour Movie

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Liquid Bloom & Poranguí - Kuya Sessions: Cura, released October 22, 2021
The age of sonic medicine continues to unfold in the shape of Liquid Bloom and Poranguí’s landmark curative music collection, ‘Kuya Sessions: Cura.’ Created as an aural container for the cutting-edge frontiers of psychedelic-assisted therapy, this extrasensory journey invites listeners to cross the threshold into the realm of shadow and light, uniting the principles of indigenous wisdom, plant medicine, and holistic psychology with the world-bridging potential of cinematic sound design.

Designed for Kuya, a state-of-the-art health clinic in Austin, TX that is incorporating paradigm-shifting therapeutics, integrative psychiatry, and regenerative medicine into a visionary approach to trauma processing and healing, ‘Cura’ offers seekers a soundtrack for their journeys toward rebalancing, and is now lovingly shared with listeners everywhere on behalf of Kuya and producers Amani Friend and Poranguí.

Embedded with the sonic signature of the world’s oldest musical lineages and enhanced with field recordings and samples from across the globe, ‘Kuya Sessions: Cura’ is best experienced in its “Journey Mix” format, where the boundaries between movements are as ephemeral as the voyage itself. In preparation for embarking on this ritualistic path, one is invited to create an environment for inner-exploration with the help of a quiet and dark room, headphones, an eye mask, and an intention of healing and discovery.

The first installment in this four-part release series, ‘Cura’ draws upon a grounding array of instruments, vocalizations, and therapeutic musical stylings while showcasing Poranguí and Amani Friend’s tenacity for surreal, multi-dimensional sound. Distilled from the intention of providing listeners a path toward healing and a safe space from which to embark on that odyssey, ‘Kuya Sessions: Cura’ will continue to reveal itself with each subsequent visit for all who desire its therapeutic guidance.

1. Preparing the Path
2. Feathered Serpant
3. The Call of Dawn

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#LiquidBloom #Poranguí #Downtempo #Electronica

Liquid Bloom is a highly collaborative music project spearheaded by producer Amani Friend of Desert Dwellers. The project blends ambient, world, and psychedelic elements to create a mesmerizing sound that is both meditative and energizing. Liquid Bloom has worked with artists from around the world such as Poranguí, Deya Dova, and Mose, drawing inspiration from nature and the power of music to heal and inspire. The project's unique and uplifting sound has gained a dedicated following internationally, and is a must-see for fans of electronic and world music alike. Whether performing live or in the studio, Liquid Bloom strives to create a sonic space for healing and transformation, infusing each track with magic and wonder.
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Brilliant! Mystical! Mind-altering! Soul-altering.


Oh Yayyyy!! Thank you so much!! One of my favorites ever 🥰🙏💓


Just beautiful, the images and sounds are perfect together, thank you 🙏🏽


love the water theme, thanks for publishing it


dnaand the set is yeahhh totally what I love


Really beautiful visuals. This is perfect for my windowless office space. Blessings of gratitude. 💚


Listening to this, I’m drifting in nothingness. Bless 😇🙏🏻


Большое Спасибо за новый Шедевр!!! Реально помогло мне выйти из затянувшегося кризиса и отсоединиться от грустных мыслей, связанных с тем, что происходит в моей стране...🙏 Я из Украины.


This is amazing!! I use it for breathwork and its simply magical. I don't suppose you would be willing to share the whale soundtrack you used.


Superb as f*ck. New practice grooves for baguazhang. Ace ace ace ace.


LiquidBloom lieve dame kan nog wat van je leren deze moest nog een abbonement en een doorgewinterde duik in de geschiedenis echt mooie beelden mooie filmpjes en muziek ben het nu stasndasrt aan het doen geen ingewikkeltheden maar gewoon een leuk en lief schrijven van mij je wachter iop en wilt weten wat schrijft hij er onder onder mijn muziek niets dan leuke goeie dingen weet dat het herfst is en bijna winter dat de dagen korter zijn dat we minder tijd hebben en dat de zin in lange onoplosbare instituten ook geen succes heeft het is de ontwikkeling van wat ik doe met jou en de muziek het schrijven opzich is het probleem niet maar de tijd die ik er voor vrij maak de tijd die ik er voor neem is uitgezondert van de dingen soms nodig om het tot een succes te maken weergaloos grandioos en buiten bijzonderheden we heten het welkom de nieuwe richting is meer persoonlijker dat is voor jou ook beter we rocken en zijn goed bezig we doen het bijzonder goed op een leuke manier bedankt voor de plaatjes en de muziek 1


I love your music and I was going to follow you, but you have put too many ads. This is meditation music. It cant be interrupted like this.


❤🙏🏻✨ At the 17th minute, a whisper appears. Please tell me what these words are?


I wish people didn't throw around words like 'amazing', 'the best', 'the best because what is this and how to describe it then??
