Getting Beyond FaaS: The PLONK Stack for Kubernetes Developers - Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS LtdSDCC
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Getting Beyond FaaS: The PLONK Stack for Kubernetes Developers - Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS LtdSDCC
The term “Serverless” was popularised by managed FaaS offerings in the cloud. We are now seeing strong offerings becoming available on Kubernetes such as Knative and OpenFaaS that also includes APIs, static sites, and microservices. That definition of “Serverless as FaaS” is now causing confusion for some developers who feel that they may need to learn Kubernetes inside out before they can move onto something more advanced.
The opposite is true. Serverless when applied to Kubernetes brings a PaaS/FaaS style experience with easy packaging, scaling, metrics, eventing built-in using familiar CNCF projects.
The PLONK stack includes Prometheus, Linkerd, OpenFaaS, NATS and Kubernetes for a complete event-driven platform that is scalable and trusted by dozens of companies in production. Attendees will come away with an understanding of how Serverless on Kubernetes is really about developer experience and it can be easier than maintaining a mountain
of YAML files.
Getting Beyond FaaS: The PLONK Stack for Kubernetes Developers - Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS LtdSDCC
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