webMethods | Expose REST API (REST V2 - post, get, patch, delete) from database JDBC adapter service

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In this video, we will learn the following and it will be useful for webMethods beginners and intermediate:
1) How to create JDBC adapter service - select, insert,update, delete - 00:06
2) How Expose as a REST service - get, post, patch, delete - 14:27
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📚📙📖 My Udemy courses for webMethods beginners (In Latest version) 📚📙📖:
1.SoftwareAG webMethods Integration (OnPremise) for Beginners - (Also available in udemy's business collection)
2.SoftwareAG webMethods 10.x Development Practice Demo Videos (Also available in udemy's business collection)
#webMethods #REST #JDBC #oracle
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In this video, we will learn the following and it will be useful for webMethods beginners and intermediate:
1) How to create JDBC adapter service - select, insert,update, delete - 00:06
2) How Expose as a REST service - get, post, patch, delete - 14:27
✋Say "Hi" to me Here!
📚📙📖 My Udemy courses for webMethods beginners (In Latest version) 📚📙📖:
1.SoftwareAG webMethods Integration (OnPremise) for Beginners - (Also available in udemy's business collection)
2.SoftwareAG webMethods 10.x Development Practice Demo Videos (Also available in udemy's business collection)
#webMethods #REST #JDBC #oracle
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