How to Upload a Custom Map to Your Rust Server | Rust | Iceline Hosting

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How to Upload a Custom Map to Your Rust Server
In Rust, you can create or use community-made custom maps on your Rust server. There are many different maps that you can download and try out on your server! We recommend trying out custom maps as it may add a customizable experience to your very own server!

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Hello and thank you for Choosing Iceline hosting. I am going to go through with you now how to install a custom map onto your rust server. Before you begin you want to find the custom map you want online and download it onto your PC. Once you have the .map file for the custom map you want, you want to upload onto a file sharing site, where you can get the shareable link. I’m going to use dropbox for this example. On dropbox pull up your file manager and drop your .map file in. For this exampleI am going to use the map “Sage Island” by Rob J.

When the map file has uploaded hit share, create a link, then copy the link. Now head over to the Iceline Server control panel. Before you edit any startup parameters, you want to ensure your server is shut down. Hit stop. To edit the startup preferences, go to configuration and start up parameters. Scroll down to additional arguments, you want to type “+ level url “ and then paste the map file link in quotes from dropbox. Make sure to change the zero to a 1 on the end of the dropbox link. Remove the world size and seed parameters to remove any conflicts. After that hit update startup parameters. You can also edit the server start parameters in your start back file. If you now launch your server it will begin to launch the custom map from the link you provided. Once your server console displays “steam server connected” you are ready to connect to it. Upon connecting you will see your game is downloading the map your server is running. Once loaded in, pull up the map to take a look at the custom map you installed to your server.
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks so much bro thats a sub from me been struggling to do this!!!


There was an error with one or more fields in the request.

The Level must be a string.


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