Neopaganism Versus Pagan Reconstructionism

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Thelemite, pagan, and western occultist Georgina Rose compares neopaganism and pagan reconstructionism, in order to help new practitioners discover which path is right for them.

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The way I see it is that we are all like islanders who have been cut off from the mainland after years of war. The war has died down, but all of our ships have been destroyed. Some of us think that the best option is to try to rebuild the boats from what remains of them. Others think the best option is to build new boats that better suit the changed waters we find ourselves in. We all agree on one thing though: we all want to get back home, and are willing to put in the work to get there. Hopefully what unites us can be stronger than what divides us.


syncretism and perennialism isn't new, but it does seem to correlate with times and places where information exchange is high, and previously separated cultures are communicating (hermeticism in ptolomaic egypt, the PGM, the 'sophia perennis' of the renaissance, and any point in history where two cultures collide). It only makes sense that the internet would lead to a similar phenomenon


Neo pagans strive to practice their own brand of spirituality using pagan religions as a template while pagan revivalists strive to revive the actual pagan religions and cults of the past.


This is an excellent presentation. It has occurred to me that the difference between the two also signify quite different belief structures concerning what we think a human being IS, with Pagan Reconstructionism aligning with materialistic, past-oriented, and limited, and with Neopaganism aligning with spiritual and/or energetic, now-oriented, and unlimited.


Why does everyone overlook Slavic paganism? The Slavs were the last holdouts against Christian conversion in Europe.


Great content, great looks, and great style. You are a shining star 🌟


My path is animism and pantheism. I practice Palo Mayombe as a Tata nkisi malongo but I love learning about everyones practices. I'm also influenced heavily by folk Catholic magic and the Hindu tantra's.


I've noticed Crowley alludes to the Runes quite a lot. It's strange to me that he still uses the hebrew alphabet though.. Anyway I agree with a bit of both reconstruction and neopaganism. We need to learn the perspective that our ancestors had and then adapt it to the current age


The ancient “pagans” did not record much of the major information because they did not see it necessary. Humankind was much different then, a typical person would have the common capability of what we call spiritual experiences today. They did not record so many things because it was common place then, for instance, when in ancient pagan times we looked at the planetary bodies we witnessed an aura and we could communicate with that body without the use of words or any type of gesture. When the sun was observed, it was observed at night in the same fashion. Modern human kind have become somewhat of an intellectually hyper focused bat that is blind to intuition and emotion on a large scale, however there is a purpose for this and i must respect it, as sad as it may make me. Also, i would like to say that, of course the traditions would change over time. Things that are living will change at a constant rate, things that are dead on arrival are the things that stay exactly the same as it were. Our attempts to maintain the same traditions neglect to observe our own evolution through time and how we are ever changing and living by default. The things that cause this separation of ancient pagan religions is that they were experienced individually, through the soul, and so it was expressed as that individual saw it and by default the way the tribe saw it, modern times have brought to us a different way of experience, through the spirit and without ties to the soul and to the genetics.


I feel reconstructivism gains authenticity when the gaps are filled in by legimately channeled answers.


I wish I can get in touch with the Earth. I live in a horrible microwave called AZ


I'm not a pagan myself, but I guess I could be called a reconstructionist as I enjoy learning about paganism and trying to reassemble what the original beliefs might have been. While I don't believe in any god or gods, I'm fascinated by all religions to a point where I'm often influenced by it. I'm an aspiring author inspired by Marvel, Niel Gaiman's American Gods series, and the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. A lot of what I write either takes inspiration from various mythologies or directly uses the gods or heroes. I try to take as few liberties as possible because I want to represent it as accurately as I can. Because of this, I'm always trying to learn more about it which is why I clicked on this video.

Besides pulling from real beliefs, I've also been developing my own fictional religion and pantheon of gods for a fantasy story I'm writing. Looking at real belief systems helps a lot with this.


Great video. Small correction- Malleus Malleficarum had two authors- Kramer and Sprenger. Both were German Dominicans (translates to "hounds of God")


I believe i received a linguistic and cultural heritage wich is neolatin, that's my foundation. Gods live in the same place i live and i feel i should honour them, possibly in a community sustained by those same gods, then we should communicate, try to build a "right" in our relationship with them. The priority is our relationship with gods living now, here, with us, would they have today the same relationship from 2500-1500 years ago they would have kept continuity. It's good to study and know the past, but i need that relationship and to discuss it with the experiences of others.


If your practice WORKS, then that means the Gods are ok with what you are doing, and any human who has a problem with your practice should discuss their hubris with the Gods directly to tell Them why They shouldn't accept your worship, because one thing they CAN'T do is prove that the blessings you received were just delusion or coincidence, but theirs aren't.


Doesn't Goetia originate in Hellenistic Pagan "Cults"? I remember reading this but I forget what exact century the Hellenistic Grimoires are from.


Our ancestors had those practices because it worked, and kept their communities healthy. I see no reasons to not just get back to our roots. Only thing stopping us is at the Vattican (they would launch crusades, again, to stop us from fighting off their agenda)


What happened to “scarlet woman” intro? It worked well as a Thelemite. Why discard it?


i love your sense of fashion, but i'm still a minor so i can't do so with the frequency i want xD


I would fall under neopagan but I just don't like the word. My tradition is too different from a lot of other ones.
