Secret Combinations

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Secret Combinations. This is the first of three videos to provide the context for the events of the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord. The second will focus on the antiChrist, and the third will focus on the restoration of the House of Israel.

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When you are told to put your mask on between bites when you are eating or how many people you can have for Thanksgiving it's the same as being told how many steps you can take on the Sabbath.


When I first sat down with a copy of the Book of Mormon (four months after my neighbor gave me a blue copy), in a very quiet moment, I began to read it. I heard a mans voice off to my right say “this is the truth you have been searching for and now your work has begun”. My eyes were opened and now I see! To my brothers and sisters I wish you the best as we bring the Gospel to all peoples and nations.


I have no illusions about the awful situation we now find ourselves in. The secret combinations are right out in the open and not even hiding anymore and people still can't see them.


You have a wealth of knowledge and though I’m familiar with everything you have said, you have a gift with words. The Lord will bless you for blessing the lives of others.


I am so glad you keep creating videos. Thank you so much they are amazing as always


I think we will all look back upon this year and yearn for it. The coming days are going to be dark. Seek our Father in all things.


I consider myself awake, found your comments enlightening Michael. Really enjoyed all your videos, I am being blessed through all your years of research and study. Have recommended you to others, keep up the great work


Thanks Michael, I sense your love and caring for America. For the LDS faith and it’s peoples. I have enjoyed all of your works. Thank you. Thank you. God bless you and yours. May the Lord of Lord’s. The Great Lion of Judah please help us. It’s truly upon us. Sadly! God bless! Your friend in the faith! Devin S.


Well over half of the "ACTIVE" members of the church REFUSE to recognize and awake from the aweful situation, just as Michael confirms in this video.


I think it's awesome you're giving away the audio book format. You're a good man


You’re exactly right not enough members are aware of the evil that’s been happening for decades! I’m so glad you’re speaking specifically on this! Members just don’t want to believe it’s possible. My goal has been for the last 4 1/2 years of telling people about what’s really going on. At first they didn’t believe me but I think they are starting to wake up to the evil. I’m reading your book now and it’s been great to learn more thank you!


Michael, you are a very enlightened and inspired man. Your books are incredible. It is amazing how you have taken scripture and prophecy that is oftentimes difficult to understand and explain it in a way that any reader can understand and learn from. THANK YOU for your wisdom, your insight, and willingness to share.


I am listening to your audiobook, and I also purchased the Kindle version, loving it! Thanks for talking about secret combinations because, yeah, we need to help fellow church members wake up!!!


This is so amazing and goes right in line with what my wife and I have been researching and studying this last year. Thank you! I just ordered all your books and can’t wait to read them!


Thank you for sharing your understanding of secret combinations with us. The spirit witnessed to me the importance of knowing this right now, for our time. We need to discern, to ask for the gift of discernment, that our eyes may see the secret combinations of our day. They are here now, and powerful. Yet we know the Lord is more powerful. And loving! I look forward to His return !


I am so grateful for your words. They give a voice to what I have felt during this shameful election. When you explain the exact correlation between the damning events in the Book of Mormon which truly is a template for today, I wonder who could miss this? Well, my own extended family members!! I feel so sorry for them, they live in a bubble. Thank you again. I have listened to your free book, and I love it!! We have arrived!! I am faithfully fearless.


Awesome! I love your videos! Thanks for sharing:) I is amazing to me how many people in the church especially have no idea that this is going on all around us.
So glad that I'm not alone and other great members of the church are awake and watching.


I think one of the primary reasons we are not as aware of the secret combinations today is because people are NOT hearing about them from the pulpit . If the prophet is not talking about it today then it isn’t real today.
And when the Spirit tries to wake us up, we rationalize it away, we don’t trust it as real. We listen to the messages we want to hear, the peace and plenty, rather than the awe full situation. We forget that truth is never spoon fed or spelled out, it’s always learned by the Spirit...


God bless you Brother Rush. And thank you.


Michael this is a great video - you should take this one on the road!
