How To Make Birdwatchers Sugar Was Recipe : TPW Turbo Alternative

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Birdwatchers sugar wash recipe is a great alternative to a turbo wash and it is insanely easy!

This is a quick tomato paste wash that delivers on simplicity and flavour . . . . or so I am told.

Anyway, let's get this made so I can stock up on vodka and get to making some GIN!

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Thanks for this. I am Birdwatcher, now retired from distilling since 2010. Enjoy. G


I have been doing this for about 5 years now. In 15 lts of water, 3 kg of brown sugar, about 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, 3 desert spoons tomato paste, lastly 5 desert spoons of Lowans bread making yeast. All available at the local store. Has always worked for me.


Hey John. I am now retired in Ottawa ON and live in an apartment. No more stills. It breaks my heart to pay $25.00 for 25OZ of vodka. ;-( Stay safe. G (Birdwatcher)


If you use a paint stirrer and a drill it means you can use room temp water AND it gets oxygenated at the same time. Takes hardly any time too


I have been watching you for some time, since the boredom of covid. I started just making wine. A bad tasted wine had me distill it. Because of some of the recipes you've done and the encouragement that you've given I have made some what I think is quite nice alcohol. I let my boss try it and he liked it so much that he wants me to try and open myself up managing a small rum Distillery here in Jamaica. I must thank you for all your help and I will be continuing to watch. I love this tomato paste vodka wash


Once the parents were young, they used this recipe - sugar + yeast + tomato paste and an activator washing machine. very quickly fermented.


Did my first using the Turbo 500 reflux, i swear that when you smelt it it was like smelling water not 92% alcohol, very impressed.


I love the fact that you aim for perfection but understand it’s not got to be so


Love the Schott beaker. Schott's a local company to me (San Jose California) and there's even a Schott Stadium.


If your having problems with the turbo yeast your most likely fermenting at to high a temp. Turbo should not be fermented above 25 c or 77 f
Let turbo get above 30 c and you can start to have foul smells and bad tastes. I leave my 5 gal batches sit at room temp around 70 f and the ferment temp will heat itself up to about 78 for the first couple days then even out at about 75 till finished. Treat turbo yeast more like you would if you were making a beer and you will get better results with it.


Finally someone else knows how to open those bags 😅


The slow motion shots are mesmerizing. FYI, when I clicked on 'suggested videos' that pops up top right, the clicked-on video started up in a new tab as well as the current tab which I don't guess is what you intended.


I always use Lavlin EC1118 champagne yeast for my washes. It ferments clean and the finished product always tastes great...Cheers.


Been doing tpw for a couple of years. Super easy and finished product tastes so much better than turbo wash. I run it twice through my reflux still and don’t even bother running through carbon filter as there is no need. I Use stock standard bread yeast from the supermarket and find it takes 2 weeks to ferment right out.


Ok bro, no vid titles when you've been drinking! 🤣


Another great video! Awesome to see the classic BW recipe in action:-)>


When I was a kid. Especially in summer. I would be playing outside with the hose or under a sprinkler. I would often get thirsty under the Australian summer sun and drink from the hose. I still remember the rubbery taste of the water coming out of that hose. I'm not so sure I would want to use that in my washes. But I'm pretty new to Distillation so for all know distilling, double distilling and or filtering gets rid of that rubber hose smell/taste that to me is so clearly present in the water.


I've been making birdwatchers wash now for about 2 months I love it a little tip twice the yeast is twice as fast but don't go overboard it's very easy to throw in a cheap little are still or make a big batch for a big sale


Classic 8 turbo is awesome I've pulled 23% out of sugar washes with it, on a crappy stovetop still with a 48 hour ferment, first half of the run was 140 proof.


Your videos are immensely inspiring.. I have been a long time home brewer now exploring distilling, following in your footsteps. 😁 Love from India 🙏
