Docker Container Networking

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The integration of Kubernetes orchestration into the Docker Enterprise Platform presents deployments with interesting new abstractions for application connectivity. Devs and Ops are often challenged with rationalizing how pod networking (with CNI plugins like Calico or Flannel), Services (via kube-proxy) and Ingress work in concert to enable application connectivity within and outside a cluster. Similarly, given the dynamic and transient nature of containerized microservice workloads, how to leverage scalable and declarative approaches like network policies to express segmentation and security primitives.
This session provides an illustrative walkthrough of these core concepts by going through common deployment architectures providing design, operations, and scale considerations based on experience from numerous production deployments. We will discuss Kubernetes publishing methods and deep dive into Ingress Controllers. This session will also showcase how to complement application and operations workflows with policy-driven business, compliance and security controls typically required in enterprise production deployments including going further into limiting traffic to services, session persistence, rewriting, and activating container health checks.
This session provides an illustrative walkthrough of these core concepts by going through common deployment architectures providing design, operations, and scale considerations based on experience from numerous production deployments. We will discuss Kubernetes publishing methods and deep dive into Ingress Controllers. This session will also showcase how to complement application and operations workflows with policy-driven business, compliance and security controls typically required in enterprise production deployments including going further into limiting traffic to services, session persistence, rewriting, and activating container health checks.
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