[SOLVED] PHPMailer SMTP Error Could not connect to SMTP host

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Refer this link for the detailed solution on PHPMailer SMTP Error Could not connect to SMTP host and other PHPMailer SMTP related problems:
Though PHPMailer is one of the most popular open-source written in PHP for sending emails and is quite easy to deploy. 'PHPMailer SMTP Error Could not connect to SMTP host' is a common error faced by many developers.
Few of the common reasons for this SMTP Error can be-
1. Problem With The Latest Version Of PHP
2. Using Godaddy As The Hosting Provider
3. Getting SMTP Connection Failure On A Shared Hosting Provider
4. SELinux Issue which might be blocking SMTP Connections
5. PHPMailer SMTP Connection Failed Because Of SSL Support Issue With PHP
These are five major reasons which might just be constituting towards the PHPMailer SMTP Error - Could not connect to SMTP host.
Detailed solutions and other possible problem scenarios are discussed in the article on Pepipost Tutorials Forum-
Dibya Sahoo
Co-founder, Pepipost
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