Ancient Christian Worship Practices

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Ancient Christians gathered together to assemble before daylight on Sunday to sing responsively in honor of Christ among other practices.

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Orthodox Christians still do this. Go to an Orthodox monastery, where they gather before dawn and at the break of dawn they chant a Doxology. The early Christians observed prayer throughout the day, as the Jews did, based on times of sunset/sunrise. Again, something that is still done by the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church.


A Catholic Mass is true worship as our Lord JesusChrist instituted on Holy Thursday when He transformed the Old Covenant liturgy of the Seder Passover into the New Covenant in His Blood by commanding us to”Do this in Memory of Me.”
Vivat Christus Rex!
Long Live Christ the King!
Viva Cristo Rey!


Before daylight on the first day of the week is still Saturday, the sabath. The Jewish Sabath goes from dusk to dawn.


So why do evangelicals so dislike and fear liturgy?

Автор they sang, chanted or uttered...but without musical accompaniment...Acapella= the matter of the chapel


But are they doing it ALL for edification as taught in the NT, which never mentions worship in the gatherings?


Jesus worshiped on the 7th day sabbath as do the apostles well after the resurrection as this guy said one pagan telling another the fist day is now somehow a holy day ?


👍 if you seek a service like the ancient Church go to Catholic latin mass or an Orthodox mass. There you will see many similarities and the teaching of the early Church lived out until Christ returns. A Catholic friend (convert from Pentecostalism) 📿🥰


To assemble on the evening of the first day would be a Saturday night. God gave them there days evening to evening. Paul spent all day Sunday traveling! The lords day is the sabbath. You can see this when Jesus himself said he was the lord of the sabbath.


Protestantism would have been completely alien to early Christians.


in your scholarship have you found any hymns to Mary?. I understand she was called the Arc of the covenant.


Jesus put an end to religion and the temple, the alter sacrafice and the priesthood and redefined these roles.
The temple is the believer who has been cleansed by the sacrafice of Jesus. Now that we are clean God the Holy Spirit can reside in us.
We present our bodies as living sacrafices to God.
We are a Royal Pristhood and a Holy nation.
Jesus is a King and he brought a Kingdom
The first Christians were Jews who originally went to the temple to assemble later it was in homes.
The building does not matter.
The day does not matter it does not prescribe a day in the Bible nor even if they did meet on the first day this is not a prescriptive practice.
As far as assembling the gathering is far less hierarchical.
People participated people brought hymns, scripture, letters from. Apostles, teaching was done by more than one person prayers were offered up.
Healing, words of knowledge and prophesy were regulated. There was a meal and also the Lord's supper was practiced.
A lot of nonsense eventually got infiltrated into early Christianity.
A return to religion happened similar to Judaism, or any of the other cultic pagan religions.
The early Father's were not always correct some pushed the magical eucharistic idea of the body and blood being actual. Also a continuation of Jesus dying on the cross. Rather than he died once and for all.


An enormous difference between the early church and the modern day church is that back then the Church was the only voice in worship. Such is no longer the case. A strange animal called "the worship team" has taken over and the voice of the Church has been all but obliterated. In fact this modern format teaches the children of God precisely- not to sing. Too bad. How sad. 😢


Perhaps they met before daylight to avoid persecution?


The Jewish Christians met after Sabbath .on the first day of the week .but they kept the Sabbath holy .


Instead of using the word ancient… You could just use the word orthodox. Nothings changed for us.


There is no ritual to having a relationship with Jesus, if you have a ritual your pagan


What this all means....Roman Catholics, practicing Roman Catholicism....shock!!!
