Contagious stomach bugs: Doctors break down symptoms of norovirus and Shigella

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Norovirus is certainly nothing new, but medical experts warn it is running rampant right now.

"An infected person literally sheds billions of viral particles, but it only takes one or two viral particles to infect someone," said Gemma Downham, the director of patient safety and infection prevention for AtlantiCare.

And once infected, about a day or two later the sickness sets in. #health #virus
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I've had it for ten days. Hardly a wink of sleep every night. Vomiting and diarrhea. One night I had to sit on the throne for forty five minutes, the diarrhea was non stop. Absolute nightmare 🤮


I had this last weekend: severe stomach bugs, headache, chills, fever, and diarrhea for 48hrs. I still don’t have an appetite but thankfully all the other sxs are gone!


Currently going through this. Kids had vomiting and diarrhea for like a day or 2. I just go to the bathroom every 30 mins. Body aches and chills. Legs are fatigue and weak. Water and Gatorade just went threw me. I made koolaid extra sugar and I'm holding it in longer. It's terrible 😞


Couldnt get in to see the doc so here i am self 😅this one sucks..i cant eat or drink and my body is killing me but the soul holds on hahahaha


Why they cut her off I'm trying to learn something from the news for once put the whole interviews here on the yt channel or somthing dang!


Me and my entire family just went through this. My wife and daughter was vomiting and diarrhea. The the rest of the family had diarrhea and stomach aches for about a week. I took oil of oregano and was fine after two days.


I had this a few weeks ago, thankfully it only lasted about 48 hours but it happened very early in the morning. No vomiting but just stomach cramps nonstop, could barely stand for longer than 30 minutes without feeling like I was in pain. I had a lot of diarrhea but the best thing to do to get rid of it was just drink water every couple minutes, keep yourself hydrated and trust me it’ll go away without needing antibiotics. But if the symptoms last longer than 48 hours, go to the doctors asap.


I just had a virus where I was throwing up for 6 hours. Went to the hospital. I couldn’t keep anything down. The next day it continued again and I had to go to the hospital again. The worse part is the stomach pain, like I never felt before. I didn’t have diarrhea, just the nausea, vomiting and pain. I been off work all week.


I think I got this. I came back from a trip with it, for 5 days I had stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea (very foul smelling), I could not eat anything solid, apple sauce and soups, barely, I lost like 15 lbs. It also gave me congestion and cough...I literally thought I was dying, went to the hospital twice, finally this past Friday I got some relief, I was able to eat something solid for once. I'm still very weak and a bit disoriented. I have never been this sick in my life. I think I spent in total 12 days sick.


my symptoms..idk if i have it...
*chills. body pain /aches
*numness on my right arm;
with tingling sensation
*back hurts & spine pain
*constipation. bloating *cramps
*upper gi /abdominal pain
*very gassy.
*tired .no energy.
*nauseous. vomiting, no food
or fluids can go down
*feeling dizzy


I woke up at 4am 2 weeks ago with this... Oh man... worst one I remember ever having, tbh.. I felt like I was gonna die! was gone in 3 days, but felt 75% better after the first 24hrs..


Day 2! I recommend ginger and mint warm water. Helps with the stomach pain. Add cinnamon and lemon for chills. Also, they help kill the virus. I feel way better since day 1/2 with vomiting and diarrhea!! Also, drink water and electrolytes. I’ve been eating bananas! Hope this helps!


Think I got it right now actually. Kidneys are on fire, and all water I consumed left my body very quickly. Zofran helped me to stay hydrated. Good luck folks. Seriously the Zofran, while it made me feel worse for a moment, it allowed me to get hydrated. And I was borderline delirious earlier despite consuming about 5 liters of water in total. Gotta say tho, now that it's just aches and weakness, my body has been thoroughly cleaned from the inside out. It was literally just water by the end.


I’m dealing with this right now. I felt a weird tingling in my belly for a couple of days but this morning at 4 the diarrhea started and it didn’t stop. It’s now 5:19 pm


I just got back from the hospital after dealing with my stomach flu and it sucks


Got it twice in a month, I have zofran so I won't throw up but OMG THIS IS THE SINGLE WORST FEELING EVER


I had this for the past 2 days, I literally woke up at 7 AM had to run to the toilet to be sick then that’s where it began every hour I was being sick in a bowl until 6PM thankfully I haven’t been sick since 10 PM last night .


Man I think I caught this at Disney World last week. I felt like crap for two days 🤢. Ruined my vacation and I felt so nauseous on the plane


I currently have nausea. Vomiting . Diarrhea. Chills . Like it’ll get hot to where I’m sweating then a second later I’m freezing cold . I went to the hospital and they hydrated me and gave me medication


Damn this was a year ago and I’m currently experiencing this virus
