Skyrim - Best Builds for a Great Playthrough

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Skyrim is still an amazing game in 2022 and today we reflect on our extensive build crafting experience and talk about what we think are the best builds for a great & fun playthrough of Skyrim (especially for a beginner).


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My current character is a khajiit alchemist who only uses novice level spells with zero investment in mana so to cast high level magic he has to make potions


For me the best builds aren’t about dispatching enemies but how your skills and or armor relate to a choices motives and behaviors. Basing your abilities and tactics around a character and the choices and person they are


My own favorite so far was my paladin. She was a holy paladin serving Arkay.
Shiny heavy armor, shield & sword or mace, enchanting, & enough alchemy to make healing potions & cures.
I always carried Amulets of Arkay with me, & when I found dead npcs, especially like caravans who were attacked, I would leave an amulet on them so Arkay could find them & escort them to whichever afterlife they would be going to.
Absolutely hated necromancers & vampires, went out of my way to kill them.


I feel like Magic+Melee is the best overall grouping. Bows are obviously good fun when you have minions pulling aggro but there is nothing like that feeling of throwing out spells then running into the chaos for some kill cams.


Hey guys, I’ve been watching your content for 7 years now, and i wanted to thank you for enhancing my experience and understanding of the elder scrolls universe. Wish u the best.


I love the idea for an "alternate start" to be available to players in the vanilla game. Though it would be really cool if this only became available to players after the experienced the canonical, and best designed vanilla intro. Once a player has gone through the intro once and starts the game, then alternate start becomes available. This way players wouldn't ever miss out on the coolest opening by never choosing a character who starts with whatever one my be the coolest.


Watched your content since the first let's play with milara sarethi, vids have only gotten better with a more professional look and feel but still keeping the Ozzy comedy and uniqueness of you guys. Only thing keeping elder Scrolls alive whilst we all wait with bated breath for ES 6 😂😂


Skyrim is my favorite comfort game, I come home from work and I play Skyrim for an hour or two and it just feels so relaxing


I loved how Morrowind had the Bal Molagmer quests.
Bal Molagmer were thieves, who stole only from the unjust and gave to those in need.
I was playing as a Robin Hood type character in a blind play thru and it really played out in my favor.


I love the battlemage necromancer build. Dark Lord with heavy armor, an army of minions and a big mace.


I've played skyrim for years and my favourite build by far is the necrodancer.. I reanimate dead corpses by day and spend my nights dancing around the taverns of skyrim. The winking skeever is wild on a Friday night!


I really like the conversation videos, I like the podcast obviously but this feels more organized. Granted I like both formats with just talking and chilling like friends but also having the more organized conversation is nice too


Currently doing a shadow Knight build, specialises in one handed and shadow magic in destruction and conjuration, using arcanum late game will be super awesome, a swordstorm swirling around the character while she cuts down her opponents with her sword in blazing speeds. Ultimate goal is to become a god but apotheosis mod is not released yet


Love the sword and board, the classic shank and plank. But I have to say my favorite is sneak illusion.


Finally two guys talking about Skyrim builds


I love when Fudgemuppet uploads while I'm playing Skyrim


Guys, I REEEAALLLYY love that you're still doing this type of (unscripted) content, even with the podcast gone. It's my favourtie content, for sure, since I find it way easier to pay attention to casual talk than scripted manuscripts.


Yes it'd be great to see old Fudgemuppet Skyrim footage! Back in the day I managed to make a really cool character with OP stats (basically maxed gear stats beyond normal limitations via alchemy and enchanting, with infinite potential) on my Xbox 360 and still play it occasionally for nostalgia lol not my first character (Orc mage) but an early draft and a favourite before I leveled up to the PC master race xD

Name-Thorin Oakenshield
Birthsign-Atronarch (plus Aetherium crown)
Class-"Shadow Hunter" (Nightblade/stealth)
Major skills-one hand, sneak, light armour, block, archery, destruction, alteration, illusion, enchanting, alchemy and conjuration
Gear-Apprentice robes/apprentice hood, stormcloak boots/gauntlets, targe of the blooded and lots of weapons; advanced crossbow/Dwarven bolts, Blades katana, enchanted silver sword, dragonbone mace, Dragonbone sword, Nordic dagger and Reikling spears (for aesthetic) and a couple other things.

Because his goal (backstory...antihero, morally grey, hunter of everything evil, you know...role playing) is to amass as much power as possible I joined the Companions, Thieves guild, Dark brotherhood, College of Winterhold and Dawnguard! xD


I think with the implementation of anniversary edition, a lot of those older builds could use a revamp. Maybe some older builds could be buffed to make use of the new content, as well as new/improved backstories with the cinematic storytelling that's been injected into the latest builds like the Deathweaver.


Most fun I ever had, after years of stealth archer builds, was a 2 handed, heavy armor, Orc warrior. He just owned everything very rapidly
