Spyro the Dragon- How to Reach Tree Tops Secret Areas w/ Supercharge Ramp Jumps (Launch Date Trophy)

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. Spyro the Dragon Tree Tops Supercharge ramp jumps. There are 4 supercharge ramps that you must use to earn the Launch Date trophy and to also use to reach two hard to reach areas for 100%. To reach these areas you must fully charge and jump between them while continuing to hold down the charge button (never let go of it)

#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

Gnasty's Demise (Platinum)
Collect all Spyro the Dragon Trophies

Boom! (Bronze)
Take a trip with a Balloonist

Hop, Skip, and Jump (Bronze)
Find the hidden entrance to Sunny Flight

Sheep Kebab (Bronze)
Flame 10 sheep in Stone Hill

Light My Fire (Bronze)
Light the two bonfires in Dark Hollow

Leaf on the Wind (Bronze)
Glide to secret Egg Thief area in Town Square

Barnstormer (Silver)
Do a loop around an arch

Burnt Toast (Silver)
Defeat Toasty without getting hit by him

Shoot the Moon (Bronze)
Use a cannon to dispatch a taunting Gnorc

Bird Brained (Bronze)
Charge a Vulture

Birds of a Feather (Bronze)
Flame every Vulture in Cliff Town

Triathlon (Bronze)
Defeat all three Ski Gnorcs

Hot Wings 1 (Silver)
Flame all Fairies in Night Flight

What's in the Box? (Bronze)
Unlock the strong chest in Doctor Shemp

Comin' Through! (Bronze)
Charge through 4 Armored Druids near the start of Magic Crafters

Pops of the Tops (Silver)
Detonate 3 explosive chests on the pillars in Alpine Ridge

Arachnophobe (Bronze)
Defeat all Metalback Spiders

Egg Hunt (Silver)
Defeat hidden Egg Thief in Wizard Peak

Hot Wings 2 (Silver)
Flame all Fairies in Crystal Flight

Gatherer (Silver)
Collect 400 gems in Blowhard

Mushroom Hunter (Silver)
Flame 5 Glowing Mushrooms in Beast Makers

Rocketeer (Bronze)
Light 3 fireworks within 15 seconds

Cage Free (Bronze)
Free a trapped Chicken

Launch Date (Gold)
Jump off every Supercharge ramp in Tree Tops

I Believe it is Time for Me to Fly (Silver)
Complete Wild Flight without touching the ground

Gems in the Rough (Silver)
Collect 500 gems in Metalhead

Fool's Errand (Bronze)
Charge through 3 Armored Fools in a row

Bad Doggies! (Silver)
Defeat 3 Demon Dogs in large form

All Puffed Up (Silver)
Charge through 4 Puffer Birds in a row

Scrap Metal (Silver)
Defeat all Tin Soldiers

Fly Like an Eagle (Gold)
Complete Icy Flight without touching the ground

Jacques-tacular (Silver)
Defeat 4 Nightmare Beasts in one glide

I'm in the Money! (Gold)
Unlock Gnasty's Loot

Ratastic! (Bronze)
Complete Gnorc Cove without killing any Rats

What Really Grinds My Gears (Silver)
Destroy 6 gears in Twilight Harbor

Dragon and On and On (Silver)
Get Gnasty Gnorc to complete 5 laps

Hoarder (Silver)
Collect all gems in Gnasty's Loot
Рекомендации по теме

Words. Cannot. Describe. How. Mad. This. Level. Made. Me.


Can we get an F for everyone who flew off, lost all their lives, got several game overs, and contemplated suicide during this level?


"Well you could have found an easier spot to get stuck in!" Even Spyro shares the sentiment.


That moment you get so excited you hit all your ramps just to miss the glide at the end on your last life FML...


This level took up all my lives....lol


how was it my 5 year old self was able to do this without any guides and now that im 24 i needed this video? thank you.


Me : makes the jump finally
Me: ok now glide

Spyro: did you say dive ?!


I’ve played through this game from start to finish dozens of times and no matter how many times I do it, I can never remember the order of these ramps. Thanks for the refresher!


I lost all my 25+ lives on this level trying to get those gems. Thank you so much.


If you need 99 lives here’s the cheat code. Open the pause menu and press R2, L2, R2, L2, Up, Up, Up, Up, Circle


Incidental note: I tried doing this using the official strategy guide for the original game (yes, I still own a strategy guide for Spyro the Dragon on PS1 that I got in 1998), and whomever wrote that guide got the Dragon's names flipped around (EG the one for Lyle was marked Isaak, and vice versa). This proved a problem since that was how they identified which pedestal to start at for each jump, hence my coming here after dying 20 times and thinking I must just be stupid.
Turns out the guide was just wrong, I am still stupid though.


Water Temple: “time to drive people crazy!”

Treetops: “hold my beer”


Important Tip: You'll have to jump as late as possible, that'll result in a lot more airtime. Also the Area where you can jump extends a bit after the ramp itself so you'll have to jump right as the ramp ends but you won't have to worry about missing the jump


Pretty graphics didn'y make me forget how much I haaaate this level.


I wanted to thank you GREATLY!!! You explained it better than anyone I've ever watched on any Spyro video. I'm 68 years old....lol but a kid at heart and I just completed tree tops...lol...thanks to you!!! God bless you and thanks again!!! No wonder you have so many subscribers!!! 😁💖✝️


I made this in 2 attepts after this guide. It´s ALL about not letting go of the jump button too soon. It will really push you a much longer distance.


I love how calm you sound telling us how to do this... the 31 lives I just drained on the first secret area make me calm too..



I would recommend practicing the super charge jumps back at “High Caves” in order to get the feel with the button pressing. If you mess up in high caves the fairies will take you back to the top of the super charge ramp without the cost of any lives. This is a good guide though.


wtf I never would've found this on my own. I kept trying more 'clean' routes, because I thought I had to do those ramps in one linear, more obvious, sequence. There also wasn't anything really hidden like this in the game before so I wasn't really trying crazy jumps. Midair U-turns? lol. Now to try to pull this off.


I can’t believe this is the intended route. I feel like I’m watching one of those old Jampack videos where they show you how to skip an entire Tomb Raider level. It is so unintuitive to go UP the supercharge ramp. Not to mention even knowing what to do it took me 30+ tries and I would have just assumed that I was doing it wrong.
