Boruto Meets Neji | Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

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"No one can decide your fate"

Boy Neji do I have a story for you


It’s just too bad that Neji Didn’t survive the war I would love to see him interact with his Nephew Boruto!


Now I really wish that Neji was still around in Boruto's life. I'm sure he would have been a great uncle and wiser influence in both Boruto's and Himawari's lives😭😭


Neji is one of the smartest and wisest in the leaf village i'm surprised he didn't come up with a theory that we could be Naruto's son


I will never get over Neji's death 😭


Neji, How we miss you! He is the man who conquer his own fate, gald Boruto finally can meet him.


"No one can decide your fate..."
"Unless you're the reincarnation of half-alien sons of Ninja Jesus."
"Oh, nothing...I was just saying...You were right all along."


Having Neji die at Shippuden was a terrible decision, especially if it was to push NaruHina. A more fitting choice would’ve been Kiba. A reason for that is because unlike Neji, there was nothing more for his character in the future. Neji had a goal of changing the culture of his Hyuga clan, which was actually possible and thus still had much potential in story and character. On the other hand, Kiba had a goal of being Hokage Throughout the Naruto series and it turned out he was actually serious about it. However we all knew it was never gonna happen because he lacked the skill (and intelligence lol) and it was obvious Naruto, his close friend/rival, would be Hokage instead (he’s the frickin main character after all). Now a main point of the story was that achieving your goals no matter how big can be possible, so having Kiba be around and never having his dream realized goes against that point. Having Neji be able to see his goal be a reality would be better. So a good development for his character would’ve been for Kiba to cast aside his own pride and sacrifice himself (with his loyal dog Akamaru joining in his fate) for Naruto, realizing he is a more qualified candidate of the title and must live for the sake of their village’s future. Because he was a notable character of the series, Kiba’s death would still have the same emotional impact on the audience as well as the other characters (possibly more with the dog dying too). Him dying also fits with the “pushing NaruHina” agenda because he supported his teammate and sister figure, Hinata in her growth and her dream of being with Naruto. Plus because they shared the same goal, Kiba’s death would give Naruto more drive to be Hokage, to carry on his friend’s dream. While I personally like Kiba, he was the more suitable choice to die than Neji
(Sorry this was so long, didn’t know how else to shorten it better)


Good old Uncle Neji. Best Uncle a ninja can have.


Who would have thought a bolt & a screw could converse.


Omg these flashbacks of Naruto are beautiful i would happily want a remastered version of Naruto though i don't think its needed.


I will never get over the fact that Naruto never kept his promise to him.
Neiji’s death absolutely served nothing to me, he just died because they needed a sad death.
I’d have loved for Naruto to finally fix the Hyuga clan’s twisted policy, perhaps convincing the leader to unify them through Neiji and Hanabi.
It’s just sad that the most gifted Hyuga in decades ended up like that.


1:28 when someone is talking to you with a very bad breath.


Naruto's Chunin Exam:
Beats Neji and proves to him that denstiny can be changed and it isn't something you get to decide

Boruto's Chunin Exam:
Beats Shinki teaching him a lesson because he kept talking down on the konoha ninja but the only problem was he *CHEATED*

Neji and Shinki had really similar roles in the chunin exams.
Boruto probably feels like shit after hearing what Naruto was able to change people and Boruto cheats


When are they gonna show kid Sasuke?I really wanna hear his theme right now.


In addition to meeting his uncle Neji, he has also given him some very wise advice. 😊


Props to them keeping the same neji voice actor after all these years, despite him having so few voice lines


This puts me to rest and my predictions were correct that one day they create an episode where Boruto meets his uncle Neji “The Genius” Hyūga.


Notice how at 1:49 when neji says “ you remind me of naruto “ boruto took this as the highest for a compliment, being compared to his hero is a compliment better than anything else. Neji i miss you and your wisdow


The saddest thing when this arc ends is we won't hear the OG Naruto music anymore
