EP. 5 Micro CAMPER Dacia Dokker - Solar Panel installation guide |NO PENETRATIONS

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👋Hey hey! It's time for the first adventure with my Dacia Dokker camper across Europe, but I can't hit the road until I install a solar panel.

👇If you haven't seen the rest of the episodes, you can find them here:

🛠️In this video I will show you how I installed the solar panel, cables and MC4 connectors to be able to be independent when I travel, without parking in a campsite and enjoy the most beautiful places.

😱Also I installed a roof box and an awning

🤔Some advantages of installing the solar panel are:
- charging appliances
- having a fridge/refrigerator
- installing a shower and more

👇What I used:

💥If you want to see how I built the bed, the kitchen or other things for the van, make sure to subscribe to the channel

🙏Thanks for watching and let me know what you think in the comment section




🎥Camera Gear:
- GoPro Hero 11, Hero 6
- Iphone 13 mini
- DJI Mavic mini 1

👇You can follow me on instagram and facebook or support :

🔎 Revolut: @georgeb5jy

🔎Bicycle touring videos:

#diy #solar #guide #vanlife #dacia #daciadokker #ecoflow #solarpower #solarpanel #diysolarsystem #woodpanel #panelling #framing #minicamper #minicampervan #dacia #daciadokkerausbau #van #campervan #camper #camper van #convertingavan #vantocampervan #rust #BusLIFE #VanLife #BusConversion #caddycamper #caddy #dacia #daciadokker #ausbau #fordtransitconnect #fordtransit #fiatducatocamper #mercedessprinter #peugeotboxer #vwtransporter #vwcampervan #vwcamper #conversion

Intro (0:00)
Guide (0:32)
Wires and connectors (0:59)
Testing (4:55)
Recap (5:01)
Interior + plans (5:26)
Announce (6:44)
Рекомендации по теме

Un video foare bine explicat! Felicitări pentru munca depusa.


Bellissima progetto in uno spazio così piccolo. Per piacere mi dici che box e pannello solare hai montato sul tetto?


Quelles sont les barres de toit que tu as installé ?
Merci pour tes vidéos :)


Salut, in cat timp se incarca ecoflow ul ?Se incarca doar de la panouri sau folosesti si priza 12 v a masinii?
