Nectar drops of Upanishads | Discourse by Guruji Sri Sudarsan Chakravarthy

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#upanishads , #srisudarsanchakravarthy, #himalayas

In the serene atmosphere of the majestic Himalayans, Guruji Sri Sudarsan Cahkravarthy immerses us in the nectarean wisdom of the Upanishads.

10 Principal Upanishads! 10 Nectar drops - One from each of them!
Wisdom learnt - Limitless!

As we sip the 10 nectar drops, let us discover answers to the below

1. The obstacle to taste nectar
2. The source of all nectar
3. The art and science of choice making
4. The significance of faith and patience
5. Do we strive to be choose or chosen?
6. 24/7 contemplation....feasible?
7. why do we pursue truth?
8. What is God's will?
9. How do we know God's will?
10. What is the key to unlock the secret of nectar?

Chapter details

00:00:00 Introduction
00:13:15 Droplet 1 from Esha Upanishad
00:18:39 Droplet 2 from Kena Upanishad
00:24:45 Droplet 3 from Katopanishad
00:30:05 Droplet 4 from Prashna Upanishad
00:38:20 Droplet 5 from Mundaka Upanishad
00:43:32 Droplet 6 from Mandukya Upanishad
00:49:43 Droplet 7 from Taitriya Upanishad
00:54:28 Droplet 8 from Aittareya Upanishad
01:01:25 Droplet 9 from Chandogya Upanishad
01:11:23 Droplet 10 from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
01:21:23 Conclusion

Guruji Sri Sudarsan Chakravarthy ​​​​​ is a contemporary spiritual teacher, life coach, accomplished global business leader, motivational speaker, and author interested in #ancientwisdom​​​​​​, #Spirituality​​​​​​, #Science​​​​​​, #Philosophy​​​​​​, and arts. His life mission is to promote the messages of our scriptures, thereby instilling nobility and greatness.

Рекомендации по теме

May I request these pious nectarine words be placed in the ticker as you speak, especially the Sanskrit, and the upanishad being referred. While the reference is given and indexed in the description box, it would be great to see it as you speak, it could be in Devnagri and Roman scripts as added slides at the appropriate places. My humble suggestion for this fantastic video.
