The New Euripides Papyrus

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Yvona Trnka-Amrhein and John Gibert join me in the Lesche to discuss their editio princeps of a newly-discovered papyrus (P.Phil.Nec. 23) containing lines from two of Euripides' fragmentary plays, Ino and Poluidos.
About our guests
Yvona Trnka-Amrhein is Assistant Professor of Classics at the University of Colorado Boulder. She works on Greek literature of the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial periods, literary papyrology, the culture of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, and the reception of Greek narrative literature in Armenian historiography. Her current book project, Portraits of Pharaohs, studies the historical fictions of Greco-Roman Egypt. She co-directs The City of the Baboon Project at Hermopolis Magna in Middle Egypt.
Ancient texts
• Euripides, Ino and Poluidos; Medea, Hecuba
• Plato(?), Minos
Also mentioned
• Carrara, L. 2014. L’Indovino Poliido: Eschilo, Le Cretesi, Sofocle, Manteis, Euripide, Poliido (Rome).
• Coo, L. and A. Uhlig, eds. 2019. Aeschylus at Play: Studies in Aeschylean Satyr Drama. BICS 62.2 (special issue).
• Finglass, P. J. and L. Coo, eds. 2020. Female Characters in Fragmentary Greek Tragedy. Cambridge.
• Johnson, W. A. 2004. Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus. Toronto.
• Luppe, W. and Henry, W. B. (2012) 5131. Tragedy (Euripides, Ino?), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 78: 19-25.
Thanks for joining us in the Lesche!
Podcast art: Daniel Blanco
About our guests
Yvona Trnka-Amrhein is Assistant Professor of Classics at the University of Colorado Boulder. She works on Greek literature of the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial periods, literary papyrology, the culture of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, and the reception of Greek narrative literature in Armenian historiography. Her current book project, Portraits of Pharaohs, studies the historical fictions of Greco-Roman Egypt. She co-directs The City of the Baboon Project at Hermopolis Magna in Middle Egypt.
Ancient texts
• Euripides, Ino and Poluidos; Medea, Hecuba
• Plato(?), Minos
Also mentioned
• Carrara, L. 2014. L’Indovino Poliido: Eschilo, Le Cretesi, Sofocle, Manteis, Euripide, Poliido (Rome).
• Coo, L. and A. Uhlig, eds. 2019. Aeschylus at Play: Studies in Aeschylean Satyr Drama. BICS 62.2 (special issue).
• Finglass, P. J. and L. Coo, eds. 2020. Female Characters in Fragmentary Greek Tragedy. Cambridge.
• Johnson, W. A. 2004. Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus. Toronto.
• Luppe, W. and Henry, W. B. (2012) 5131. Tragedy (Euripides, Ino?), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 78: 19-25.
Thanks for joining us in the Lesche!
Podcast art: Daniel Blanco