Employee Attendance Information Odoo, Employee Attendance Management Odoo

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About Module
Do you want to manage the attendance of employees? Late & Undertime feature used to calculate the total working hours of an employee. This module helps to calculate working hours where check-in and check-out have done only one time in the day.
1) We have added 3 fields,
Late: If an employee comes after scheduled time then that count in late.
Undertime field: If an employee leaves before the scheduled time then that count in undertime.
Valid working hours: "working hours-1(break time)" is your valid work hours, you can calculate the total working hours of an employee.
2) Easy to track total working hours of employees by standard working schedule.
3) You can create a working hour schedule based on the timezone.
4) This module fluently work with multiple company
5) No, other configuration required.
6) Easy to install and use it.
Do you want to manage the attendance of employees? Late & Undertime feature used to calculate the total working hours of an employee. This module helps to calculate working hours where check-in and check-out have done only one time in the day.
1) We have added 3 fields,
Late: If an employee comes after scheduled time then that count in late.
Undertime field: If an employee leaves before the scheduled time then that count in undertime.
Valid working hours: "working hours-1(break time)" is your valid work hours, you can calculate the total working hours of an employee.
2) Easy to track total working hours of employees by standard working schedule.
3) You can create a working hour schedule based on the timezone.
4) This module fluently work with multiple company
5) No, other configuration required.
6) Easy to install and use it.
Employee Attendance Information Odoo, Employee Attendance Management Odoo
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