Neutral No More: Why Sweden and Finland Are Joining NATO | UnArchived

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Sweden and Finland are dropping their neutrality, joining NATO and returning to their historical opposition to Russia. Both countries have a long history of conflict with Russia. By joining NATO, Sweden and Finland have signaled that they believe alliances will be more effective than neutrality in preventing Russian expansion.

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I love the background soundtrack, it is epic and makes you feel refreshed and alive again!


Если можно, внесу поправку. Финляндия не зависела от Москвы. Скорее от Санктпетербурга/Петрограда. Строго говоря, они не входила в состав Российской империи а была с ней в личной унии. С отречением Николая II уния распалась и Финляндия получила фактическую независимость, которая была подтверждена в декабре 1917 года уже большевицким правительством.


Good work Bro Rat Tom, from Dan Prall.


If it got really bad, the luck of geography gives Finland (or an allied partner) an almost perfect shot at Saint Petersburg. Putin's home town.


The coldest place in Hell is for those who retain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.


Think about all the $ & land Russia will have to give all of it Neighbours.
Germany is alot smaller now than at the start of The Great War.


Except Finland was allied with the Nazis during ww2… the continuation war anyone?


I only speak Ukrainian. I am using google translator. Therefore, please excuse me if the translation is bad! I am from Western Ukraine. I am a nurse and I save lives. I live now in Germany. I need a lawyer to file, with other disabled citizens of Ukraine, a lawsuit against Norway. My husband, a Ukrainian (oil worker, human rights activist) became disabled as a result of his defense of the rights of other people (Norwegian and Russian media for 9 years). My husband fought corruption in the Russian oil giant, which was headed by the founder of the 6th Directorate of the FSB and the ex-Chancellor of Germany. My husband defended the rights of disabled people and Ukrainians in Norway against Russian-speaking citizens of this NATO country. The Norwegians took my disabled husband to Moscow AFTER: anti-war pickets of my husband in the Russian Federation, his defense of the rights of Ukrainians in Norway, the issuance of documents to my husband by the Norwegian Red Cross for his close relatives (Polish servicemen repressed by the Russians), sentencing his defender to prison (in married to a citizen of Finland for 25 years) in Belarus, who reported the crime of the Norwegians against the Ukrainians and was recognized as a Political prisoner. My husband and his lawyer warned the Norwegians about the coming war, but they did not believe him. The husband was kidnapped and the war began. And after the war began, the Norwegians do NOT admit their mistakes! Unlike the Swedes, the Norwegians DO NOT LIKE to admit their mistakes even when the Chechen refugees deported by the Norwegians were killed in the Russian Federation (Norwegian


Nice country ya got there,
Be a shame if something were to happen to it ...


*Kick victor orban out from the alliance.*
