LIVE!! Shiny Budew in Diamond after 3782 Pokemon Seen [Diamond Shiny Run #4]

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Brooke's Bud.
Back again. This Diamond is still doing work somehow. Not one over odds hunt yet, but I'm sure that'll change really soon. I was just thinking how funny our channel is. Either we hunt and upload a lot or we're dead and upload nothing. I've also decided to upload almost any Shiny Run Shiny as its own video unless I start getting duplicates. Anyway, pretty happy with this Bud. Not my target obviously, but she has a good nature, so I'll definitely be training her up to a beautiful Roserade along with the Bun. Roserade is such an amazing Shiny even if Willow does have several. Hoping for no more buns or buds though, I'll be honest. Continuing here for Murkrow and something from the Beautifly line.
Thanks for taking the time to watch. Good luck with everything!
Back again. This Diamond is still doing work somehow. Not one over odds hunt yet, but I'm sure that'll change really soon. I was just thinking how funny our channel is. Either we hunt and upload a lot or we're dead and upload nothing. I've also decided to upload almost any Shiny Run Shiny as its own video unless I start getting duplicates. Anyway, pretty happy with this Bud. Not my target obviously, but she has a good nature, so I'll definitely be training her up to a beautiful Roserade along with the Bun. Roserade is such an amazing Shiny even if Willow does have several. Hoping for no more buns or buds though, I'll be honest. Continuing here for Murkrow and something from the Beautifly line.
Thanks for taking the time to watch. Good luck with everything!
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