Polizeiauto - Lied | Auto - Lieder | Pinkfong Lieder für Kinder

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Du schaust “Polizeiauto” auf Deutsch, ein super lustiges Auto - Lied von Pinkfong. Tatü-tata, tatü-tata, hier kommen die mutigen Polizeiautos!


“Ein Notruf! Ein Notruf!”

Yo ee yo ee ​ho!​​
Yo ee yo ee hey!
Yo ee yo ee​ ho ho!​​
Yo ee yo ee hey!

“Los geht‘s!”

Tatü, tata.
Kommt zur Hilfe,
wenn wir‘s brauchen.
Oh, da ist er!
“Stopp! ​Du bist verhaftet!​”
Tatü, tata.
Mutiges Polizeiauto!

Yo ee yo ee ​ho!​​
Yo ee yo ee hey!
Yo ee yo ee​ ho ho!​​
Yo ee yo ee hey!

Kommt zur Hilfe,
wenn wir‘s brauchen.
Oh, mein armes Kind,
“Wein nicht. Ich bring dich nach Hause.”
Tatü, tata.
Freundliches Polizeiauto!

Yo ee yo ee ​ho!​​
Yo ee yo ee hey!
Yo ee yo ee​ ho ho!​​
Yo ee yo ee hey!

“Alles gut!​”

Yo ee yo ee ​ho!​​
Yo ee yo ee hey!
Yo ee yo ee​ ho ho!​​
Yo ee yo ee hey!

Music arranged by pinkfong, KizCastle
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