The Great Big Pre-Election Freedom and Democracy Show | Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick | Law,...

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This week’s show is unapologetically long, deep, and hopeful. Dahlia Lithwick is joined by Yale history professor Timothy Snyder to talk about his new book, On Freedom, and to have the audacity to re-imagine freedom on the precipice of an election that could turn the United States hard right into tyranny. Next, Dahlia is joined by Rick Hasen, Director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA Law School, for a gut-check about how the election might go, legally speaking, and a reminder that “too early to call” is a pro-democracy posture on election night—even as the former guy almost certainly claims victory before the clock strikes midnight—regardless of the actual results.

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The distinction between negative & positive freedom is at the heart of John Dewey’s political philosophy.

As developed in books like LIBERALISM AND SOCIAL ACTION (1934) and FREEDOM AND CULTURE (1939 - written to address the rising threat of totalitarianism & the need for a renascent liberalism, one that fights for democratic values in all dimensions of modern life).


Hi Dahlia. Do you know how we can comment in the Mary Trump live election coverage?


An 1:15:33 long video and in 9 hours has 182 views and 15 likes or .08 less that 1% like of believe this utter nonsense...
