#lesbians share #queer break-up stories

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@AlaynaJoyOfficial @ashgavs @Makingemi @chosenfamilypod #love #dating #heartbreak
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Alaina is legitimately describing my entire life before I came out. I truly thought I was just this really pragmatic, sensible person when it came to relationships; and that break ups were just an inevitable ending of something that was once good, that is no longer…good?😅🤣😭🤣
Silly, silly me. So precious.

Then I came out. The first time my partner and I had an almost breakup and she was trying to walk away from me, I actually took my whole 5’10 body and wrapped myself around her like, well, like a spider monkey. I had a fully out of body experience and lost all sense of what was right or appropriate in that moment. I just knew I couldn’t fathom a world where her walking away from me in that moment wouldn’t result in me dying right then and there.
That was the moment my gay really clicked for me. I was like, _THAT’S_ what it feels like to have your soul absolutely crushed by someone you love 😅🥴 ouch 😓 It was giving very much second adolescence at 34… I’m 42 now and the more I reflect on my past relationships the more my repressed lesbianism punches me in the face. It is legitimately concerning how many big, flashing, blaring signals I ignored or just downright missed.
But I got here eventually, so I’m told, that’s what counts 🥳🌈👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻


yes. the chest pain. it's heartache. that's where the name came from. it's awful. going through it now.


When I got in my first “straight” relationship I didn’t really care when we broke up. When I got broken up with in my first queer relationship, I fully sobbed for hours and felt it for months.


I'm straight and I can relate to this, with my first breakup. The chest pain was unbearable. Not only couldn't I eat but I could barely breathe most days.


never in my life have I cried over a breakup more than the first time I had been in a relationship with a woman. the pain is unmatched


OH MY GOD SOMEONE FUCKING SAID IT. The literal chest pain of your heart feeling like it’s being squeezed from all sides. That shit hurts.


That first queer breakup had me on my knees asking God for guidance & I’m not even religious 😂 the chest pain is real.


My fiancé ended our relationship 9 weeks ago and literally the first 7 weeks I thought I could literally die from a broken heart. When you live in your truth, it makes love so much more intense.



I still feel it :((


we weren't even actually together and it hurt like hell


I reneber my first queer breakup and that was so painful I felt the pain in my chest and i crying for weeks and still had issues 2 years after(not as much I'm slowly getting through these past 2 years) because I was so attached to this person and experienced things I never felt before


I still think about it and i still miss that relationship 😭like if she asked me out in the future, id say yes in a heart beat


This short hurt more than I was ready for 😪


Yes that is right. Breakups are physically painful 😢


My first relationship was with a girl and I fell so hard so fast for her. Like, really bad. Then my sister (who went to the same school as her) told me that she had three other girls. She had said she was poly and I was only comfortable with monogamy and she said that was fine. She went behind my back about and that gutted me. It felt like I was dying of a broken heart. It hurt physically. So much that I started dating a guy I didn't even like to feel better about myself right after. That was a not great relationship for the 6 months that it lasted. That ended almost a year ago. Now, ive been talking to a friend of mines cousin and she treats me so different that either of them ever did. She doesn't just call me sexy or hot all the time, she calls me beautiful, she says she loves my smile. It feels like she genuinely cares so much about me and not just my body. Anyway, this has been a little gay talking about a girl who makes me happy.


This is an old short, but it’s been 10 months since my first queer relationship ended (I’m early 20s). I keep telling my family that most days I feel fine, but it’s the littlest things popping up every day that make me think of them and miss them so much. People don’t talk about how deeply this shit hurts. I lost friends and my job because I couldn’t handle the day to day existence. I’m doing much better these days thanks to my close friends, family, and my cat. So it does get better, but holy shit it has to hurt a lot first.


I was physically sick for a week and a half. I couldn't keep food down and was super dehydrated.


That's exactly how it was (is) for me. Ove never been in a relationship but I had basic crushes and when rejected I moved on pretty fast and it sucked for a day or two but that was it. It made me think I just didnt have the capacity to feel that deeply and I didnt understand people. But ny forst queer heartbreak? Months later i still feel that and heartache is so real. I didnt realize the physical pain was real until that heartbreak.


For me it was unrequited love that made me feel like this.
A few years ago my heart betrayed me and made me fall madly for a girl that, ultimately, would not only string me along and play me (flirt with me, make eyes at me, give me HOPE all the while she put me on the back burner if she couldn’t get the girl she REALLY wanted) but just wasn’t the person I thought she was, and worse yet I didn’t care that she treated me that way, rose colored glasses and all.
Anyway, she ended up getting with that aforementioned ‘Girl She REALLY Wanted’ and she went MIA for a few weeks, and even though I knew she was bad for me I still ended up seeing her silhouette in crowds of strangers. I still ended up becoming a lasting better version of myself, if only to be worthy of someone’s love.
That pain of knowing she’d never love me, hit just as hard as when my ex boyfriend of a year and I broke up.
I’m still wondering if I’m the type of person someone can fall in love with, for longer than a footnote in the book of life.


When my first girlfriend broke up with me (I'm a girl) I sobbed like I never did before and I hate crying in front of people but I couldn't keep it together over the phone with her telling me that we shouldn't be together anymore. We had been together for around a year and a half and I thought we were still going strong so it was pretty shocking to me to suddenly going from having this person that I interact with every day and say "goodnight/good morning I love you" every day to have them barely talk to me I genuinely felt like I was gonna feel awful forever. We didn't truly start talking again until a little less than a year and I realized that I mostly just valued having her around to hang out with
