GIS Terrain Loader Pro Quick Intro

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GIS Terrain Loader Pro is the most advanced geographic data importer for Unity Engine.
It is a Runtime-Editor plugin that gives you the ability to import geographic data directly into Unity Engine, it's designed to load not only Real World Terrains data but also any supported customized terrain data exported from any GIS applications or external terrain generators (GlobalMapper, QGIS ,WorldMachin, ArcGIS ,SAS.Planet..etc).GIS Terrain Loader Pro create terrains based on loading (Raster-Vector-DEM) data which makes importing and modifying large quantities of data fast and easy.
KEY BENEFITS:- Create a real world terrain in unity engine fast.- Load or parse gis data and perform complex tasks.- Manipulate gis data in serious games or any research project, easley.- Generate an accurate terrain up to 1m/pixel based on the introduced dem/lidar data.- Ability to use any custom projections for an accurate geo-referencing operation.- Generate and Edit a Geo-Referenced terrain in edit mode and get access to his data at runtime.- Texture Unity terrain by any kind of raster data.- Edit and export dem's and vector data to files.- Create roads, buildings, trees, grass, and custom geopoints based on the vector data introduced.

TITRE : Explainer Video Music
ARTISTE : Explainer Video Music
Elite Alliance Music; Epic Elite (Music Publishing) et 2 sociétés de gestion des droits musicaux
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Wow, it's a high level man, congratulations 👏👏
