why I chose chemical engineering (full story)

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Hey y'all!
Welcome to the full story of how and why I chose to major in chemical engineering. Here, we do a deep dive into how I first learned about engineering, when I discovered biomedical engineering, and why I ended up switching my major! The best part? It's like a mini vlog as well :)

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Way too many people go into Chem Eng thinking it will be like chemistry (and biology), when in reality it is a lot closer to Mech Eng than most people realize.


I've changed my major last year and I'm a sophomore now and study ChemE ... I'm so happy to find you. Love from Iran 🇮🇷


I am a former computer science student. In high school I also wanted something that involved medicine, biology but I also really liked math.
So I found out that there was a course in biomedical informatics but in my state where I live there was no such course so I decided to study computer science and specialize in bioinformatics. But unfortunately at my college the bioinformatics and biomedical informatics laboratories were for biology, pharmacy and chemical engineering students. So last year I decided to switch majors and I'm doing chemical engineering and hoping to get some opportunity to work in a lab and do research. Thank you so much for making the video I really like it!


I’m a sophomore biomedical engineering student and chose it for the same reasons as you. I’m about to be a junior and am starting research next semester. I’m also doing an internship at a pharmaceutical company right now. At my school the BME department has all the cool labs that you mentioned your school had under ChemE and a super new building. So for me it was a no brainer. Also, I was in Iceland in march! So many coincidences, felt like I had to comment even though this video is old😂


Thank you so much for making the video! Going through my own struggles trying to figure out if environmental engineering is what I want to study


I'm a freshman at Clemson University. I was originally a Mechanical Engineering major but I quickly realized that I'm much more drawn and interested in the medical aspect so I switched to biomedical engineering! I totally relate to liking the biology aspect more, here at Clemson within the Bioengineering degree you must chose a either a biomaterials or bioelectrical concentration. I obviously went with the biomaterials in hopes of working with artificial organs, immunology, drug delivery etc. Engineering has been tough so far but watching your vids helps keep me motivated! Keep it up, good luck this semester!


Lovely video, my first choice at college was chimical engineering but i fall in love with industrial engineering.


My school offers a dual degree combination and you are allowed to add BioMedical Engineering to your main major. You can opt for Chemical/BioChemical Engineering plus BioMedical or Electrical plus BioMed. It's a gruelling 5 years for both paths but you graduate with both, in the way you want it to be.


I'm a 16 year old girl from Greece and I have to decide on what university to go to and I'm feeling really lost but this video really helped me out so thanks a lot 💕


I relate to everything you said in this video. I love to understand how the world works through math and physics but also I love the biology and chemistry behind it. I'm a senior in high school and I went through the exact same thought process you did and finally decided to go into ChemE next year. this video literally made me so emotional and happy cause you made me realize I'm making the good decision. thank you so much lauren!


Congrats on coming so far! You’re inspiring as I begin this journey myself. Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated/get through those really difficult ChemE classes/those you kind of don’t really have an interest in? Thanks so much for making this video.
Best to you on the remainder of your journey!


that’s almost exactly what happened to me, how i realised that that i can study chemistry and math which is the subjects am interested in the most. but i didn’t have the chance to study it, now am 18, in 5 years i will have a chemical engineering bachelors degree .


This type of vlog is also nice Abbey💕
Maybe try something non related to engineering on your wall.


Notice how she's thinking about food and metabolism as a material and energy balance? I've seen other chem es motivated by the same reason.


For quite sometime I’ve wanted to be a chemist since I love chemistry and wanted to do research and contribute to society that way. I wanted to go into geo or environmental chemistry and with my research help solve problems. Looking at the pay is really discouraging though. Even PhDs don’t seem to get paid as much as they should. Should I just say screw it and go into Chemical Engineering? I know that it’s not really chemistry focused but it seems to be the closest thing for a much better pay. I don’t really like a lot of math but ig I’ll just learn as I go. Machinery never interested me though so I really don’t know at this point. Maybe I’ll just give up my life dreams and just become a doctor or lawyer lmfao 🤣


IS Chemical Engg more towards Mech Engg like fluids, mechanics and so on..


Also, i am a 1st year chemical engineering student. Love from India ❤


Also that’s so cool you’re going to Iceland


I have diploma in chemical engineering but, I wish I coluld continue becheolr's degree


Hii, I just wanted to thank you for this video and congratulate you
I’m on the last year of high school, and even though I was pretty sure for a long time that I wanted to go for chemical engineering I always had a little doubt about if I would like it, or if it was for me… but after I just watched your videos, and saw you speaking about what you liked the most to study and do, that is pretty much what I also want to, and how chemical engineering was perfect for it, I could conclude with a 100% sure that chemical engineering is what I really want to do, so thank you very much❤
