Stepan Bandera | Making History

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One can hardly imagine the history of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists without this personality. This man is a symbol, an example of an uncompromising politician capable of living and dying for the sake of an idea. But the true essence of the phenomenon of one of the leaders of the 20th century of Ukrainian national liberation movement is still little known to a wide audience. So, who is he, Stepan Bandera? Why was he destined by history?

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If you are wondering why Bandera is so despised in Poland and Russia, look up the Volyna massacres of 1941. This massacre is not mentioned whatsoever here, and it's for a reason


Saying Bandera is a Ukrainian hero is the same as saying Hitler is a German hero


Bandera was responsible for massacres so terrifying, it even disturbed the German Nazi officers at the time. Men, women, children were killed in the most barbaric manner


On Sunday, July 11, 1943, the ordeal of Poles began in the borderlands, where the UPA bands launched a simultaneous attack on nearly one hundred Polish towns.
As a result of the genocide in Volhynia, over one hundred thousand Poles died, including women, children and the elderly. The event remembered as "Bloody Sunday" is a dark day in the history of our homeland and in order to build fair relations with our neighbors, we must speak out about the historical truth, and this is one - the genocide committed by Ukrainian units of the UPA on Polish civilians


Banderas organization OUN and its armed attachment UPA targeted mainly Poles and Jews. UPA and the Ukrainian peasantry have conducted Volyn Massacre. They have murdered tens of thousands in the cruelest ways. Children were thrown into the burning houses, women had their breasts cut off, and men were cut alive with wood saws. There are people still alive who remember, what happened. Even the Germans were shocked by the Ukrainian methods of ethnic cleansing. There were victims of the Ukrainian genocide in my wife's family, I know about Bandera "deeds" not only from school but firsthand, from people who survived Volyn Massacre. Today YouTube allows them to post videos like this one with the purpose to spread propaganda in the West where people do not know about the true nature of Banderism. They will not fool anybody in Poland. Western Ukraine is full of Bandera monuments, streets bear his name and other prominent members of OUN and UPA. The Ukrainian government has announced 2022 to be "Bandera Year" which was like a spit in our faces. Those who worship Bandera will never have respect in our eyes. Slava Ukrainie without banderism.


This monster killed thousands of Poles and Poland still wants to help Ukrainians even though many of them still admire him …how ironic


He was war criminal, no nation struggle can appreciate killing of civilian, based on nation or religion.


Banderą is responsible for about 200 t civil killed in brutal sadism way. Film did not showed it,


Adolf Hitler and Stefan Bandera were born in same country, Austria-Hungary, and shared same ideology.


Glorification of a bandit, murderer and war criminal. In 1930 he was condemned to death penalty for his crimes. Unfortunately pardoned by naive Polish government.


Ukrainka powinna się wstydzić, że sprawia wrażenie, że Bandera jest bohaterem. Bandera to tchórz !!!


I’m here after Canada’s parliament literally honored a Banderite a few days ago during Zelensky’s visit to the country.


a hero for you, a murderer for the world... what country, such heroes


Am here trying to figure out why Zelinski just now named him when talking about this current war...especially after so many many Ukrainians took refuge in Poland and welcomed by the Polish people ! He does not present well as a hero. I doubt even the nationalists would not fight for Ukraine if Zelinski had just left the name out. It just made Putin's reasoning have more validity. And to me looked like a slap in the face to Poland.


Ukrainian love for nazis never ceases to disappoint.


Because of video's like this russia is able to justify its "ukraine is fascist" claims.
Truly sad to see some ukranians see this man as a hero


He was a Nazi Collaborator, a nationalist, a war criminal with genocidal ideals. Noone talks about what he did, and this wasn't just him. There were many collaborators in the Baltics, Poland, Belarussia and Ukraine, but while some of these countries deny involvement, I don't recall ANY of them actively considering one of them a national hero.


A killer who even shocked the nazi by his brutality


Manufactured history for Americans, a manufactured hero for those who fought with Hitler's nazi army, Bandera killed tens of thousands of civilians and Russian soldiers. Was in prison in Poland for murder, transferred to Nazi camp then volunteered to kill alongside SS nazi troops.


Its called making history because they make up history. Bandera was a monster massmurderer
